
Friday, March 1, 2013

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter - Mushrooms Lichen Moss

Handbook of Nature Study March Newsletter Cover Button
March 2013 - Mushrooms, Lichen, and Moss

I know this month's topic of mushrooms, lichen, and moss is not going to sound appealing to many of you at first glance. But, I encourage you to give it a try by reading each week's challenge, covering the material as assigned in the Handbook of Nature Study, and then keeping your eyes open for your nature study opportunities. You can further generate some interest in the topic by gathering any resources you have and picking up a book or two at the library. I encourage everyone to participate as much as possible and if you find you need to switch to another topic that presents itself during the month of all means, go with the interest.

Spring will be here in a few weeks and the mood for nature study will change along with it.

Make sure to download, save, and/or print the newsletter for future reference when you may come across a mushroom or some lichen or moss.

Contents of this edition of the newsletter include: 
  • Articles to inspire and encourage you in your nature study
  • Book recommendations for this month's study
  • March Study Grid and Bookmark - printables for you to use with your nature journal
  • Mushroom coloring pages
  • Show and Tell from OHC Participants 
  • Recommended study links 
I have attached the newsletter download link to the bottom of my blog feed so if you are a subscriber you will receive the link to the latest newsletter at the bottom of every post for the month of March. If you haven't subscribed yet, you can still subscribe and receive the newsletter link in the next post that comes to your email box. You can subscribe to my blog by filling in your email address in the subscription box on my sidebar.

There are lots of freebies and giveaways planned with my March Blog Sponsor: 

How about we start the month off with lots of free notebooking pages for your family? Click below and get started with a free gift from Debra at  Check your newsletter for additional discount codes and a giveaway announcement!

Note: You can download your newsletter from the link in two ways:

  • If your link is clickable, right click the link and then "save link as" to save the file on your computer.
  • If the link is not clickable, cut and paste the link to your browser, open, and then save your newsletter to your computer.
  • 1 comment:

    1. Thank you so much! I just joined your blog and signed up for your newsletter.

      Did you write those lovely, descriptive paragraphs underneath the drawings?

      Did you also create the drawings themselves?

      Such wonderful artwork and writing!

      Thank you once again!
