
Friday, March 15, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Lichen and Moss Nature Study

"The mosses are a special delight to children because they are green and beautiful before other plants have gained their greenness in the spring and after they have lost it in the fall; to the discerning eye, a mossy bank or a mossy log is a thing of beauty always." 
Handbook of Nature Study, page 709 
Outdoor Hour Challenge:
This week continue looking for lichen and moss to examine closely. Use lots of descriptive words as you observe your subjects. You can view and use the information from Outdoor Hour Challenge #42: Moss and Lichen. 
    Weekly Challenge Activity: Moss Observation

    Free Printable Moss Observation Notebook Page

    Use this notebook page to record your sketch and notes about any moss you find this month as part of your outdoor time. The Handbook of Nature Study has information about Hair-cap moss in Lesson 197.

    Getting Started Suggestion:
    If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #2.  This is the perfect challenge to put all those wonderful moss and lichen words in your nature journal records. Help your child get started by spending a few minutes discussing all the amazing things you noticed about moss and lichen while outdoors. 

    Blog Logo 1
    OHC Blog Carnival
    You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 3/30/13.

    Weekly Giveaway for the Month of March
    Each Friday in the month of March will be sponsoring a giveaway for a Nature Study Bundle of notebooking pages. Use Rafflecopter below to enter and see more of the details for entering.  I will pick a winner each Sunday evening as a thank you to my readers.

    Congratulations to Jen G. for winning last week's giveaway!
      a Rafflecopter giveaway


    1. I just got the binders and page holders now to get the kids in gear to work on pages after being out exploring.

    2. I suppose I need to get my OWN journal, which would probably encourage my son to work in his more too.

    3. We love nature study at our house; and the girls' nature notebooks are beautiful reminders of what we've seen, and how our talents of observation have grown.

    4. Oh, I see now that there was an actual question, not just a "comment on this blog" :) Since we already have notebooks, what would help us most is more ideas for winter study. After doing snowflakes, tracks, rocks, etc all winter we are sooo ready for spring!

    5. I think some beautiful spring weather would help us get started! :)

    6. I would like an outline of topics to follow set up by the season.

    7. I think just the ebook will do! :)

    8. I think some direction would help. I know very little about tree and bird names etc. I need to study up before my son is ready to tackle nature study (he is 2!)

    9. I think some information for mom, I know very little about names of trees, birds, etc. But luckily I have some time as my little one is only 2!

    10. I need to set aside a more specific time for it each week. It sounds wonderful and we have what we need. And then we forget to do it. :(
      Jess McCarthy

    11. I wouldn't have thought to include moss, lichen, and fungi (or know the differences!) in our nature noticings until your blog, Barb. Thanks! My 5 boys had a great time hunting for this month's treasures. We're looking forward to doing the spore prints from the Handbook of Nature Study when more mushrooms are around. I wonder if the kids will readily eat mushrooms when served at mealtime ;)
