
Monday, March 11, 2013

Quotes for Nature Lovers - Anna Botsford Comstock

The Teaching of Nature Study- Nature-study is, despite all discussions and perversions, a study of nature; it consists of simple, truthful observations that may, like beads on a string, finally be threaded upon the understanding and thus held together as a logical and harmonious whole. Therefore, the object of the nature-study teacher should be to cultivate in the children powers of accurate observation and to build up within them understanding.
Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock
 Every parent interested in introducing nature study to their children needs to read Part 1 of the Handbook of Nature Study. Although the book itself is hundreds of pages long, the first twenty-four pages are golden and a must read. There are so many gems of wisdom contained within those few pages that you don't want to miss.

Read them with highlighter in hand.

You can read the pages on Google Books as well: Handbook of Nature Study.

There is a reason she is included in National Wildlife's Conservation Hall of Fame. Her words are as valuable and relevant today as they were back at the turn of the 20th century. I invite you to read her words and be encouraged to include an outdoor life in your family's week.

I had the opportunity to visit Anna Botsford-Comstock's cottage in Ithaca, New York. You can read about that experience here: Recollection From a Visit to Anna Botsford-Comstock's Lake Cottage.


This post is part of the Quotable Wisdom Link-up by the bloggers of iHomeschool Network. You can also read more of my Quotes for Nature Lovers series here on my blog.


  1. I was thinking the other day about how very much I have gained from following along with you on nature studies over the last year.

    I was personally intimidated by the huge size of Ms. Comstock's book, but choosing a subject each month has made it manageable for me.

    Furthermore, we have ended up with a bird feeder in the yard that we constantly monitor, a butterfly garden we love, a compost bin that we enjoy, and we have even started thinking about mushroom gardening long term. We also go horseback riding on a regular basis.

    The lessons we have learned have not just been a small thing for one day. They have changed our lifestyles.

    Thank you.

  2. Cristy,

    I can't tell you how much your comment has brightened my morning. Thank you for sharing how much your family has changed and how in even in some small way I have helped. Sending hugs and encouraging thoughts for the next year...


  3. I'm glad that I was able to brighten your day. I really am grateful for the changes that your work and the Comstock book have made in our lives.

  4. I second Christy's comments. I had HONS sitting on my shelf for a few years before I started using it regularly after going through your 'getting started' outdoor challenge. Thanks again, Barb.

  5. HONS has become a mainstay in our science program. Right now, we are watching tadpoles grow while we do a serious study of swans. I keep Comstock's wise words in the back of my mind every Friday when we walk our adopted trail. Science would come alive if her book were a staple in every home and classroom.
