
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Our Quiet Nature Walk - Opening Your Senses

Taking a nature walk can bring refreshment to your whole family. Maybe you are having a tough day and the children are a little restless or perhaps the weather is just too nice to stay inside all day...these are perfect opportunities to drop everything else, put on your shoes and take a walk in your own neighborhood or a park close by.
  • Stepping outside can make a world of difference if you are feeling cooped up inside your house.
  • Fresh air can blow the grumpy attitudes away.
  • There is always something new to see outside...let your children show you.
  • Allowing time for children to explore, run, climb, and jump is a healthy way to burn up some built up energy.
  • Moms need a few minutes outside to look up at the sky and remember that each day has something to be thankful for.

I created a simple nature journal with some of the highlights of our Quiet Nature Walk.
We took a hike this week and I made sure to include a few minutes to walk quietly, using all our senses. This idea was included in this month's newsletter along with three other ideas to use during your outdoor time.

You can find all four ideas in the October 2013 Newsletter on page 3:
Color Walk
Seasonal Walk
Quiet Walk
Follow the Leader
You can still receive this edition of the newsletter until 11/1/13. If you subscribe today, you will get it in the 10/31/13 entry (Blog Carnival) that comes tomorrow. Hurry...don't miss it before it is gone. 


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