
Monday, December 23, 2013

December Nature Study Wrap-Up

Our December was filled with birdwatching. We had some exciting new birds and lots of old favorites.

Here is my list and then a few photos:
December 2013
  1. Anna's hummingbird
  2. White-breasted nuthatch
  3. Western scrub jay
  4. Oak titmouse
  5. House finch
  6. House sparrow
  7. White-crowned sparrow
  8. California towhee
  9. Spotted towhee
  10. Junco
  11. Bewick's wren
  12. American goldfinch
  13. Lesser goldfinch
  14. Mockingbird
  15. Northern flicker
  16. House wren
  17. Nuttall's woodpecker
  18. Mourning dove
  19. European starlings
  20. Hermit thrush 
  21. California quail - heard but didn't see
Spotted towhee


House finch

Thinking this is a Hermit thrush-first time we have seen this and only in the snow.

Bewick's wren

Anna's hummingbird - at least three still at our feeders in December
 Now a little something to inspire you...

I also finished my December nature journal entry for the extraordinary in the ordinary and December Grid Study. I cut some of the squares from the grid and then used them on my journal page. This is a quick and easy way to create a record of a variety of nature observations in a month.

We are definitely building a snowman birdfeeder was so much fun for us and for the birds!


  1. How exciting that you have a hummingbird. Our Ruby-throated hummingbird left in early September. We are enjoying doing the Project Feeder Watch this year.

  2. Debbie,
    Project Feederwatch has an amazing power to make you learn more about common things than you ever realized existed outside your own window. I love slowing down enough to actually identify and then count our feeder birds. So much joy!
