
Monday, September 28, 2009

Early Autumn: First of Many Walks

We took a long walk today to enjoy the last of the hot afternoons...we know they will be coming to an end soon. Here are a few things I want to share from our day.

This is a sure sign that autumn is coming quickly. The aspens are beginning to change color and the wind makes them shimmer and shake.

The Kokanee salmon are spawning and their green and red color is brilliant in the clear creek water.

The creek is very shallow and the salmon come here to lay their eggs and die. This becomes a habitat for eagles and bears and ducks this time of year. Can you guess why?

If you click this photo it will enlarage and you will see the outline of a bear at the bottom of the photo among the trees. She was on the other side of the creek sharing a salmon with her baby. We gave her a lot of space and the few of us that were there snapped a few photos and left her in peace.

The whole afternoon was picture postcard perfect.

The Pussy Paws are golden and the goldenrod is golden and the pines are green and the sky is blue......where are my paints?

This was a great afternoon and I feel so refreshed.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures! I especially love the pictures of the salmon. The last couple of days here have been cool and I can feel fall in the air. I love it! Fall is, hands down, my favorite season.

    Also, I left you an award on my blog:

  2. Neat pictures! We tried to do a nature walk today too, because the weather is supposed to turn rainy tonight. My kids told me that they knew where to go to find cattails...wrong. I think they suggested the place because it has such a nice jungle gym. Anyway, we spent the time with them playing and me holding the dog...not my idea of nature study! Hopefully, we'll find some soon.

  3. Thanks Kris....I am warming up to fall.

    Don't give up, keep looking. Now that I am sort of sensitive to cattails I am seeing them more and more during my normal rounds.

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  4. oh my! beautiful and relaxing pictures!

    looking forward to being able to start on Autumn OH #2 as soon as we can !!

    blessings, Deanna

  5. GORGEOUS pictures. Fall is my favorite season too! We're very lucky to have many state and city parks close by, and my kids all love hiking, even the baby. :)
    My whole family has really enjoyed this blog, and we've started doing the outdoor hour challenges. Thanks for posting all of this!

  6. Beautiful! Those salmon and bear pics made me so homesick for Alaska!
