
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hearts and Trees Art, Nature, and Handicraft Kit Giveaway

The Hearts and Trees Kit goes to..................SeaStar.

I know she is going to enjoy this kit with her kids and I look forward to hearing more about their experiences with the various projects. Keep us posted over at Sea Star Academy! (You must pop over and see her new little baby girl Molly.)

If you entered the giveaway, didn't win, but would still like to order a kit, Amanda will include a special thank you gift for your special efforts in entering the giveaway.
Hearts and tree summer fall kit photo
Amanda will be including an extra art print along with the corresponding PDF notebook page for you to study with your children. Please make a note in your Paypal order in the comments section letting her know you entered the giveaway and would like the extra free gift.

Thank you all for your continued support of the Outdoor Hour Challenges and Hearts and Trees seasonal kits.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

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