
Friday, September 11, 2009

Outdoor Hour Challenges-New Autumn Series Starting September 18th

I am really excited about starting the next series of challenges with a whole new concept. I am taking some of our older challenges, freshening them up, and then adding in some new challenges to make a group of challenges that I am calling the Autumn Series.

There will be ten challenges in the Autumn Series so that will take us all the way to the end of November. Each week on Friday I will post up the challenge and you can participate by completing the challenge, blogging about it, and then sharing your link. Each week you can post a link on Mr. Linky for *any* of the Autumn Series challenges you have completed. This will keep each week fresh with new posts to read and you will be able to share your nature study and be encouraged by reading other families' entries.

We will be starting a completely new series of Year-Long Nature Study Challenges surrounding the cattail. This week in preparation for the first of these challenges, keep your eyes open for cattails in your area. Look for them at the edges of wet places like ponds, streams, marshy areas, and rivers.

I am really excited to be revisiting some of our older challenges with new participants. I look forward to completing the new challenges and learning more about cattails as well.

Come by next week on Friday and you will see the first of the challenges posted up for you to complete.

The end of summer is coming quickly so take every opportunity to get outdoors with your children. We have been working on our Extraordinary in the Ordinary challenge and will post about it soon. I have enjoyed reading the few entries from families that have taken the challenge and even if you can't complete five things, I would love to hear about anything you have discovered using this idea. You can leave a comment here or email me directly.

Here are a few things from my backyard this week.

My petunias are blooming in the garden again and this pretty blue flower is peeking out from under the squash leaves.

Yummy green peppers are still on the menu.

Another bluish flower in the garden is my salvia.

I am looking forward to sharing the Autumn Series of Challenges with you over the next ten weeks.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. How timely, Barb! The kids and I were doing P.E. yesterday (i.e. walking briskly on our road) when I spotted cattails. I knew I'd need something to cut them so I didn't bother to try to take any at the time. I will definitely go back for some so we can follow the Autumn Series.

    I'm thankful for all the work you do for these challenges.


  2. Oh, this sounds like fun. Barb, we are just on Challenge #3 and no one has been excited about nature study--eye rolling,yawning, etc are the reactions I've been getting from my 13 and 11 year olds when I say it's time for nature study. I was discouraged and about ready to give up. "We won't find anything in our tiny backyard", said my kids (and it IS tiny). "Well, let's just go out and check our sunflowers and we'll walk around the block then", I replied. Barb, we had the best time, and spent at least a half hour in our tiny yard! We found things we didn't know were in our backyard, and certainly weren't there last week or the week before as far as we knew. Well, before I write a book, I'll just say thank you for your encouragement and for keeping up with your blog! If you want to see what we did today, check out our nature
    Should we finish challenges 1-10 before we jump into your autumn series?

  3. Visit my blog entry "Wounded Knee", Barb. I thought of you as I was taking the roadkill picture! You know, in a NICE way!

  4. Can you still do the year-long study if you can't find any cattails in your area? What would you recommend to replace it?

  5. Sarah, I am so happy to hear that at least one person will be doing the cattail study. :)

    Sydni, Your experience is very encouraging to me personally. Thanks so much for sharing and I left you a comment on your nature blog. :)

    Shannon, I think your "roadkill" entry was very interesting. I have never seen a porcupine up close and the Badlands photos are awesome.

    Samantha, We will be completing the year long tree and year long weather study as well so you will not be left behind. You can still do the reading and researching for the cattail study and then you will be prepared for when you do see a cattail.

    Thanks for the comments,

  6. I am looking forward to the cattail study. I know just the place to take the kids to see some, and it is an area that attracts a lot of birds so I am sure this will be a lot of fun for the kids and me.
    We have just started going through the challenges and I am so appreciative for your love of nature and your time spent putting this together. It makes our time outside more productive and the kids are a lot more interested. Instead of just looking around they are seeing what is around them.

  7. Hi Barb,
    I downloaded "Handbook of Nature Study" Friday, and I'm enjoying reading it so much! I am and always have been a nature freak. From the time I was little, we would spend hours in the woods playing, making forts & catching wildlife. From crawfish in the creek, to praying mantis in the yard. I learned to swim in my Granny's squishy-bottom murky pond, where I would sit "indian-style" and play with the little fish that swam between my legs. I have just begun taking pictures of the wildlife around me. I can't wait to start your challenges with my 6 yo boy & 3 yo girl who love nature almost as much as I do. Hopefully, they will learn to love it more!!
    If you want to check out some of my pics, here's a link:

    Talk to you soon!


  8. We would love to be involved! I am a homeschool mom who just happened to find some cattails last weekend!

  9. Terri, Fantastic photos on your Flickr site. I look forward to seeing your nature study. Barb

  10. Yay! I'm gonna start following more closely because I like that idea of someone else giving me ideas :-)

    I also have a challenge with "Autumn" since there's no such thing in Florida.

  11. Michelle, I know you don't have "autumn" seasonal changes but you do have quite a few opportunities that will go along with the series. I know you have oaks, squirrels, and several of the other topics that we are going to cover. It will not all be about the colorful changes of autumn. :)

    Hope to see some of your nature study entries.

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  12. Looking forward to the new challenges! We just started doing our own and the kids are enjoying it so much :)

  13. We're still alive. Love Cattails and know where to find them. Now if I can just make the time. We've been observing nature and seen some really neat things lately. I'm hoping to get back to posting on our nature blog. You're such an inspiration, thank you for all you do!

  14. We are just doing the first challenge this week. Do you advise that we do the first 5 or 10 of the beginner challenges (still) - or that we start the autumn challenges with you next week???
