
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Garden Goodness Before the Rain

garden bounty 10 12 09
It is raining this morning but yesterday I was able to get out into the garden to gather in some goodies. There are now four vases with zinnias on my kitchen table to cheer me up on this gloomy rainy morning.

The veggies are tapering off but are still very welcome at the dinner table. I didn't photograph the gigantic zucchini that I found hiding under the does that happen?
oregano gone to seed
Some of the herbs have gone to seed and are so pretty that I hate to trim them.

garlic chives seeds
The garlic chives have some seeds too...I couldn't bear to cut them back and this is what happens.
pretty zinnia unfolding
This is my favorite flower of the day with its uncurling ray flowers.

Just think...we are getting to the end of my garden posts for the year 2009. Autumn posts will start to roll in anytime now with the changing season. I need to start thinking about a winter topic for the blog. :)

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. I love all the colors! We've already had frost hit so our tomatoes, zuccinis, and other warm weather things are done. My broccoli and cauliflower look a lot like the pictures you posted of yours- with lots of bites out of them- on some plants down to the leaf veins. At least someone is getting a good meal!!

  2. oh what garden goodness for sure! It's so pretty (almost don't want to eat it, lol)I always enjoy your posts here on this blog! We are experiencing some extreme heat in Florida - we are used to hot... but, the temps are unusually high for us right now in Oct, I'd love some rain ;o)

    I have some pictures of goldenrod flowers to post (we found them by accident and it made more for excitement that way!0... I just need to sit down to make time to do a little bit of 'study' before I post about our goldenrod OH adventure.

    Blessings to you and yours!!Deanna

  3. Beautiful!

    I do have another question that you might be able to help me with :)

    I noticed on my feeds that your header graphic comes through...can you tell me how you did that?

    God Bless,

  4. Just found your blog. This is perfect!
    I teach after school classes on nature using live animals.
    I noticed that many of my garden plants have gone to seed. I could not resist bringing a huge bucket of flowers, leaves, seeds, berries, and nuts to class. I dumped them on a sheet on the floor and we spent a good part of the class sorting through the pile and discovering new things!

    Everyone's favorite was our box turtle "hiding" in the leaf pile. She was a perfect example of fall camouflage!

  5. I just wanted to say (Should've said it earlier.) That I think that that top picture is stunning. I downloaded it full size and showed it to my husband and mil. They thought that it was beautiful. You should frame it. It's so pretty!

