
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Winter Season Poll on My Sidebar

I just added a poll on the sidebar of the Handbook of Nature Study blog and I would appreciate the Outdoor Hour Challenge participants popping over to answer the question about winter nature study.

I have a couple of ideas brewing in my head and I would really like to hear what direction everyone would like to go this winter.

Last year I kept the Outdoor Hour Challenges focused on a topic and posted those on Fridays. I added Winter Wednesday challenges using the supplemental book, Discover Nature in Winter.

I think I would like to go back to only having one challenge per week and I would like your input.

If you would vote in the poll and/or leave me a comment on the post, I would greatly appreciate your help.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. I have not been participating much this year but it is not because I don't like the challenges...I do. I am just having health issues this year that are limiting my ability to do things or to get out.
    I like the seasonal mixture of topics.

  2. I am answering here as well as the vote, because I could go for either option 1 or 2. I didn't follow the Winter Wednesday last year, and it sounds interesting as well. And I am happy continuing on too with the same format as the fall..either way I am happy (and so are my children!).
    Thanks :)

  3. Thanks so much for addressing the "winter issue." I've been getting a little afraid of what we were going to do for nature study when it turns cold! We haven't been participating too terribly long, so your book suggestion is much appreciated as well!

  4. One or two. I love a seasonal focus, maybe because I'm in an area with seasons for the first time in a couple of years. My kids don't really remember seeing leaves fall off trees and then regrow again.

  5. I really like the format of the autumn challenges. I've gotten behind on posting at my blog, but we are doing the challenge each week. I'd be interested in participating in the winter ones.

  6. We really enjoyed the Winter Wednesdays last year based off of the book Discover Nature in Winter. My boys so look forward to our nature studies now that I have it officially on the calendar and we do it every Monday afternoon. Thanks to you and this website it incourages us to just get out there!!!

    Today we are going out to find and draw mushrooms.

  7. I voted for the seasonal theme, but the truth is however you decide to do it we will keep following along! I have been going over some of my posts from the past year and I can't believe how many topics we have learned about and how many adventures we have had. Thanks for all the work and time you put into this wonderful blog!!

  8. The seasonal challenges are helpful, even if the season is not quite in sync with ours here in Alaska. I can at least come back next fall and start the challenges a little earlier--our goldenrod was done blooming when you posted your challenge. This has really helped me get a better handle on my unused Handbook of Nature Study. Thanks for the picture study, music selections and book suggestions.

  9. Thanks for everyone's thoughts on the winter challenges. :)

    Mrs.Chocolate-I am happy to hear that you are going to use them next year. I had that in mind for the folks in the So. Hemisphere as well. Thank you also for the comment on the art, music, and books selections. That is the first comment I have heard so far and I was wondering if anyone was using those ideas.

    Thanks again to everyone for voting in the poll. It has really helped me to see what direction to go for the winter challenges.

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  10. Not related to the poll, but I wanted to let you know that I passed on an award to you!

  11. We are following your weekly challenges and my children have enjoyed them. We will be sticking to the Friday chanllenges.
