
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Field Notebook List -Last of the Autumn Series of Challenges

We have quite a list of subjects from out Field Notebook List to study over the next month or so. The last Autumn Series Challenge was a great way to wind up our autumn nature study and the reading reminded me of some important thoughts from Anna Botsford Comstock.

Here is our narrowed down list:

1. Wild geese - We have never studied the Canadian Geese that fly overhead and make their home in the pond and lake near-by. (section in the Handbook of Nature Study)

2. Sequoia tree - We have a sequoia tree in our yard and we have never done a complete study of it and it is high time we do so. (not in the Handbook of Nature Study)

3. Ferns -we know of at least two different ferns on our walking trail and we would like to identify and then sketch them into our nature journals. (included in the HNS)

Mullein 2

4. Mullein - We allowed our mullein to grow in the flower bed this summer and it is very, very tall. In fact, it is still blooming in November! It will be interesting to use the Handbook of Nature Study to learn more about this plant that grows naturally in our backyard.

I think that should give us ample material to fill in on those days we cannot go outdoors for our nature study.

Have you made your list?

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. We did geese this week before we left for our Thanksgiving trip to see family and it was really fun. Comstock's book has a lot of interesting observations that I just read aloud to my boys while they ate lunch (I know you aren't necessarily supposed to read it to them, but it was so interesting!).


  2. So, are you leaving us to our own devices??? :-)

    Well, we have been doing the phases of the moon. I found a praying mantis on my portable wooden laundry rack and took a bunch of pictures. At the time, i called Pamela out to watch it for awhile. I could also add moss and the magnolia tree to our list.

    How many weeks are we doing this?

  3. The last autumn challenge is to make a list of things you can do when you need to fill in over the winter.

    There will be official winter challenges started the first week in January.

    I need some time to regroup and organize the new winter challenges. :)

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  4. I'm making our list next week. I'm looking forward to the January challenges.

  5. We have been wanting to do a study on Beavers after we found a HUGE beaver lodge last spring and took some great pictures.

    Possibly animal & insect winter hibernation?

    ground hogs before Ground Hog Day

    Finish our Frog study from last spring ;)
