
Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Joy of Fungus: Our Mushroom Study

We haven't had much of a chance to study mushrooms up close in the last few weeks but we did over our summer break. Our trip to Oregon gave us plenty to look at and identify. Identifying mushrooms is really a difficult task.

mushroom study 1mushroom study 2
As part of our biology course, we studied the mushroom's life cycle and my boys made nature journal entries using some of the photos we had collected of mushrooms in our area.
"Fungi, as a whole, are a great boon to the world. Without them our forests would be choked out with dead wood. Decay is simply the process by which fungi and other organisms break down dead material, so that the major part of it returns to the air in gaseous form, and the remainder, now mostly humus, mingles with the soil." Handbook of Nature Study, page 715
I think if that is the only thing we learn about fungus/mushrooms from our study we will have accomplished a greater understanding of how the forest ecosystem works. There is great beauty in these living things and a wonderful purpose to their creation.

Our mushroom season will soon be upon us and we will be out and enjoying a whole array of fungus to observe. We will be using the diagram on page 717 to categorize the mushrooms we see as we go along. I am totally inspired by Casey's study: Extraordinary World: Mushrooms.

Here is a set of our mushroom photos from the last year that I gathered on Flickr if you would like to see what we have in our area of California: Mushrooms

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. I love your flickr mushroom pictures, especially the first one! Thank you for linking to my post - your words meant a lot, on a day when I really needed to hear them (
    Thank you for all you do to inspire us to enjoy our world. It has transformed our homeschool. :)

  2. Thank you for all the weekly challenges. A few weeks ago we had mushrooms galore in our woods. I am so glad I took lots and lots of photos and notes on location. Most are gone now but we have the photos to help our study. Thank you for all you do to help our nature studies.

  3. You wrote that mushrooms are hard to indentify, but I have a really wonderful book called Readers Digest to North American Wildlife. It is old, like 1982, but it has great pictures for lots of stuff. I thought the mushroom section was really quite good. Maybe amazon has it used and cheap.

  4. FIirst Pic is amazing
    I love that

    Thank you for all you do to inspire us to enjoy our world.

  5. Great pages...thank you for hosting such a wonderful learning opportunity...
