
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wonderful New Source of Inspiration

"While it is desirable for the teacher to know more than she teaches, in nature-study she may well be a learner with her pupils since they are likely any day to read some page of nature's book never before read by human eyes. This attitude of companionship in studying with her pupils will have a great value in enabling her to maintain happy and pleasant relations with them. It has also great disciplinary value."
Anna Botsford Comstock, Suggestions for Nature Study Work
After writing a recent post with a quote from Liberty H. Bailey, I received an email of encouragement from the director of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Museum. He pointed me to a page from their website that has filled me with delight. I have eagerly poured through the materials linked there and would love to share the link with you now.
Using Bailey in the Classroom: Nature Study

Many of the materials linked are short enough that you can print them out and put them into your nature study notebooks for future reference. The quote at the top of the page is from ABC's leaflet, Suggestions for Nature Study Work. I have been through the Handbook of Nature Study numerous times and these fresh writings from ABC have truly invigorated my thinking again.

I hope that you can glean some new thoughts and inspiration there as well. You can be sure I will be sharing more of the ideas and concepts presented in this short list of references.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

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