
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Would Love Some Feedback on a New Idea

I am sitting here on my very rainy day reading and enjoying lots of posts on Mr. Linky from older challenges, both the Outdoor Hour Challenge and the Winter Wednesday Challenges.

It started me thinking that many of you are not able to keep up with the links on older blog entries like I am and it is a shame that you are not able to read how newer families are completing the older challenges.

I had an idea. How about an Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival? Everyone could submit their links on Mr. Linky but also to the blog carnival as well. This way all the most current blog entries would be gathered into one post. You could submit on any topic you are currently working on and it would be a great way to encourage us all to stay regular with our nature study.

Please leave me a comment about your interest in submitting nature study posts on any topic to a Outdoor Hour Challenge blog carnival. I am thinking that a once a month carnival would be a great way to share what we all are doing in our part of the world.

Any other ideas are welcome and you can email me if you want to respond in that way:

Thanks so much,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. That's a great idea. Once a month is perfect.

  2. I love the blog carnival idea, Barb. They're a popular fixture on the Nature Blog Network. It gets my vote!

  3. I think that is a GREAT idea! And a good impetus to get involved and not feel like I'm "behind" with posting our nature studies. Thanks for ALL of your hard work on this really is a blessing to other homeschooling families! I'm sure we don't say it enough, but I am very encouraged and challenged by the work that you do!

  4. I too think it would be a good idea, and once a month would be great also!

  5. Barb- I love this idea! I would love to be able to see what everyone is working on! Thanks for all you do!

  6. Yes, I think this is a really good idea, I've had similar thoughts about adding links to older challenges - although it is a great experience for our own families, you kind of lose that thrill of knowing you are doing something simultaneously with other families and that you'll be sharing it at the end. The Carnival is such a great idea, for it solves all these problems!

  7. {Clap, clap!} Love the idea! I think it is a great one! *Ü*

  8. That's a great idea! We are starting our orange tree study tomorrow!

  9. I think that's a great idea!


  10. I agree with everyone else that it sounds like a great idea and would be another form of encouragement to keep up with nature studies.

  11. I think it's a brilliant idea!!! Just perfect.
    I just found out I'm expecting last week, so our home school may be down to bare minimums for a month or two, but then we'll pop right back into it.

  12. What a wonderful brilliant idea! Once a month sounds perfect.

  13. I love the idea!!! Thanks for all you do!!! Your AWESOME!!!! Be Blessed, Angie in GA

  14. Sounds like a great idea. I dip into your archives and select a study I think my son and I will enjoy rather than sticking to the idea of the week. We probably only complete one a month now he is at school. I still love your ideas though and want to continue to supplement his school education and enjoy the learning process with him.

  15. You have come up with the perfect way to bring the varied schedules together!

  16. I think everyone agrees and there is enough interest to get this carnival off the ground.

    I will be working on it over the next week and I will make an announcement on the blog when and where you can send in your entries.

    Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts and encouragement.

