
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It Feels Like Spring Today: Hike At the River

We had to get out and hike today with the sun shining and everyone home from work.

Confluence 1
This post is no way to make anyone jealous of our weather...but rather to remind those who are weary of the snow up to your eyeballs that it will be spring again soon. The photo above shows the start of our hike which winds along the edge of the American River. We hiked up to the bridge, underneath, past, and then around the hill to a lake.

Just as a sidenote: The reason the bridge is so tall is because they were planning on building a huge hydroelectric dam on this river. The bridge was built in anticipation of how high the water would rise after the dam was built. The dam has never been constructed for a variety of reasons, but just keep in mind that everything you see in this post would be far under water if they ever did proceed with the dam project. I thought about that a lot as we walked along. (It is the third highest in the US and the highest in California.)

Confluence 2
Here are all the guys heading up the trail and it is true that my middle son is wearing shorts.

turkey Vulture 2
This is a great trail for birding as you go and these turkey vultures were soaring and spiraling upwards on a current of air. They are actually very graceful in the air and a lot of fun to watch.

North Fork
I commented about the fact that with very little effort we could leave the crowds behind and have the trail mostly to ourselves. It was a wonderful day to just listen to the river roar down the canyon and to feel the sun on our shoulders. I must admit that I was a little warm as we hiked up the hill. I was thankful that I had layered up so I could shed a few layers as we went.

First Wildflower of the season
This is the official first wildflower of this year for me. The boys spotted it and of course I had to stop to admire it and then take a few photos. I have not yet had a chance to identify it.

So this must be the second wildflower of the year....some kind of saxifrage that was just beginning to blossom with delicate pink blossoms.

Flowering bush
Then around a few more bends in the trail and we found this yellow flowering bush! I have no idea what it is but it was gorgeous. About this time my boys are calling to me to catch up because they have kept walking while I am snapping photos.

Clementine spillway
This was our destination today and it did not disappoint! The spillway at Lake Clementine was roaring as we went around the last corner. It was so nice and cool as we stood and listened and marveled at all that power. This is not a hydroelectric dam but rather a debris control dam they build back in the 1930's.

Mr D at Lake Clementine
Here is my photo buddy/oldest son taking some shots of the spillway. He has become quite the photographer and it is great to share a hobby with him.

Confluence bridge late afternoon
Here is one last photo as we return back to where we parked the car. It has been a great afternoon out in the fresh warm air. We all feel great! Our Kona dog was eager to get in a little swimming before we started for home so we detoured down to the river's edge and let her splash and play for a few minutes.

I was exhausted when we arrived home so the boys decided to prepare dinner for me. What was on the menu? One of their specialties is spaghetti with meat sauce and this time they added some zucchini and topped the meal off with garlic bread. Yum! Being outdoors makes us all have an appetite.

Thanks for the great day to all my men.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Here is a link to another hike we took last spring to the same place:
North and South Forks


  1. Hey! My kids are moaning and groaning over those shorts! :-)
    Well, they're burning Winter at the stake today so perhaps...

  2. Beautiful pictures. What a wonderful hike! (And I would be scared to death to ever go on that bridge!)
    We are jealous though. We've been buried in snow since early December and it isn't melting any time soon...

  3. What wonderful memories with your sons! Such good boys for making Mom dinner :) Love the pictures, as usual!

  4. Shorts! I know...he is crazy!

    The bridge is scary to drive over and we could see people walking across as we hiked underneath.

    Dinner was scrumptious and all the better because I did not prepare it or clean up afterward.

    Thanks for the comments.

  5. Barb, the pictures are stunning. Thanks for sharing and for the beautiful reminder that for those of buried deep in snow, spring is not that far away.

  6. What a beautiful day...and beautiful photos! My daughter is in shorts whenever possible, so I understand the shorts! We had a pretty day today...lots of sunshine and high around 60. I didn't get out, though, as I'm still suffering with a pulled muscle or pinched nerve. But, I am a little better tonight and hope to get out soon! I'm starting to see signs of spring everywhere and hope to go on a nature walk soon!
