
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tour of My Early Spring Garden Today

Tulips Under the Birdbath
I thought you might like a little tour of my early spring garden since the rain stopped last night and the sun is out this morning. Everything is a little damp from the rain still.

The tulips are all up and promising to give a colorful display very soon. This was my purple garden last year but I added a few new tulip colors so it will be a surprise when they bloom.

Mystery Flower-Orange
I honestly can't remember this flower from last year, but it is bursting with oranges and greens in the far corner of the garden.

There is an explosion of primroses under my other birdbath. These were transplanted from Amanda's garden box last year and they love this spot in the garden.

Grape Hyacinths
Ahhhh....this means it really is almost spring here in our neck of the woods. The grape hyacinths are blooming in all their purple glory. Now if I can just keep my boys from mowing them down along with the grass.

Chick Weed
Little tiny flowers...can't remember the name of this one....are blooming if you keep your eyes focused for the pretty periwinkle color.

My daffodil patch is ever so close to blooming and since it is by my mailbox, I can see it every day as I collect the mail.

Everyone who reads my blog with any regularity knows that I have a "thing" for lavender. This year our plants promise to give us a beautiful show of color and fragrance. The hummingbirds have already spotted these blooms and in the early morning I have seen them out here sipping at the flowers.

Broccoli Flowers
I learned something this year quite by chance. I left my broccoli plants in the ground and in a few pots all winter and this is what happened....beautiful yellow flowers. The hummingbirds have been in these blooms as well. I think next year I will leave a whole bunch of broccoli plants in the ground because they make really pretty blooming plants.

Spring Green Moss
I would call this a true *spring green*. The moss growing between the bricks in my little arbor is thick and soft.

Scrub Jay nest in our Magnolia Tree
We have a new development in the front yard. We noticed today that the Scrub jays are building another nest in our magnolia tree. They fly back and forth with little twigs....hundreds of times over the course of the day so far. They are very busy. If they succeed in building their nest, this will be the third year in a row in this particular tree.

Hope you enjoyed my little tour and if it is cold and you are having winter weather today, I hope it cheered you up.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. Thank you for sharing these. Your garden is beautiful and it is so nice to see spring. I just shared a few photos of our winter wonderland! What a world of difference!

  2. It's beautiful. I love the moss in the bricks shot. I was shoveling snow yesterday (it's all rainy now)and your pictures made me feel happy. Spring will be here soon.

  3. I'm jealous. I know, I shouldn't be. Spring will come eventually. I even saw some green grass in my yard yesterday (where we had plowed), but we again had more snow which covered it up.

    On another note, I'm happy to say that my Master Gardener's class starts next week. (I'm soooo excited!!!) Hopefully, that will bring spring, if not to my yard, to my head and maybe even a blog entry here and there. :o)

  4. Beautiful photos as always, Barb! You've re-inspired me again.

    Where did you get your blog background???? I LOVE IT!!!

  5. Alex,
    I looked at your wintery world and it made me shiver. I guess I am a true CA girl and all that white for so long would test my endurance. I have the best of both worlds where I am at. I can travel up the mountain that I live at the base of and enjoy the snow *for the day* and then come home to my green. Snow only comes a few times a year and lasts only a few days at a time.

    The moss is lovely and I am really glad that it has decided to fill in the gaps. It makes me happy to know my entry made you feel happy. :)

    I read a blog where the person lives in the Arizona desert and I am just yearning to hike in the desert right now. I look at her photos and think that I want to be there. I think it is human nature to yearn for this or that. I trick is try to be content with the things you have...I pray for that every day. (I still want to hike in the desert...some day.)

    I saw your photos of Tule Lake and they were fabulous. It inspired me to think of taking a little road trip. :) The background on my blog is a photo of a tree trunk that I took and then just tiled it to make a background. Pretty cool huh?

    Thanks for the comments this morning.

  6. This is the time of year that I both love and dread looking at your photos. But this year is even worse. Yesterday my day began with -4 F. on the van's thermometer and ended with it up to 20, which I was truly enjoying. Still dreaming of 40 and the color g.r.e.e.n. I am weary of white.

    Now I'm off the comment page and back to the homepage where I heard birds chirping... ahhh

  7. Melanie,
    Believe it or not, I have had the winter blahs myself. We have really cold temps at night and it has been raining off and on for weeks. Today it is raining again and no sun. I was really glad that I grabbed the opportunity to get outside and soak up a little sun.

    I highly suggest the same. If you have even a little break in your weather, get outside. Just getting outside breaks my blahs. I also enjoy watching birds from my window when I am feeling low.

    I can't tell you how much hot cocoa I have had in the last few months. The chocolate and the warmth keep me going on the days that it seems like spring is teasing us and I will never be warm again. I know we don't have tons of snow like you have in your area but we still get blah and it is drab.

    Here in California especially we have green for about two months and then the green all dries up and we have BROWN drabs. It doesn't even rain here in our area in the summer AT ALL. We have dry, dry, hot, hot weather from June to September. We have to water our gardens every day or they die.

    I feel your wintery mood and I understand in my own way how it feels. I get out my photo albums and thumb through photos from last spring and summer and it makes me feel so much better.

    Dreaming of the end of winter for real,

  8. Oh, look at all that GREEN! And hummingbirds? We'll see them in two months or so...

    But we did have a lovely blue sky and sunshine today. And we had fun doing the salt activity!
