
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Early Spring Wildflowers Part 1

Last year we had a great time keeping track of all our early spring wildflowers. It became a sort of treasure hunt for our family as we hiked every week. Although none of us felt much like getting outdoors for a walk yesterday, except for perhaps our dog, we kicked ourselves out the door and were rewarded with some beautiful wildflowers to look at as we hiked.

3 1 10 Manzanita blooms
The manzanita is blooming now and technically it is a flowering bush...I still think the buds are very pretty and this one with the bright red bud caught my eye.

3 1 10 Miner's Lettuce
The Miner's lettuce is starting to bloom as well.

3 1 10 Popcorn flower
There is a special spot in the canyon that we can hike to that has a slope where as the seasons progress it has different wildflowers. Right now it is starting to bloom with this Popcorn flower.

3 1 10 Saxifrage
The saxifrage is starting to bloom now and it is interesting with its red stems.

3 1 10 Hounds Tongue
How about this Houndstongue? Wow! It is so very pretty. Just like it shows in the photo, some of the blooms are almost blue and some are purple.

3 1 10 Grasshopper
Okay, so this one isn't a photo of a wildflower but he was hopping all over the meadow where we were taking photos. He was a very spirited grasshopper....let's just say I took about ten photos trying to get him inside the frame. :)

We were very glad that we got out and took a hike yesterday. The sun was warm and the flowers cheered us all up. I hope they cheer you up as well.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. Oh wildflowers! I can't wait!! Yours are very pretty and that tiny grasshopper is adorable.

  2. I'm so looking forward to spring...we still have several inches of snow on the ground. But yesterday was nice and warm (upper 30s) so we are well on our way.

    And the grasshopper is so cute.

    I really miss California beauty. :)

  3. Just remember that come June all will be dry and brown here in CA. We have a few months of green in our area and they usually run from now until about the end of May.

    I love the wildflowers while we have them. :)
