
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival #3 Spring is Here Edition

It is that time again! Time for the latest edition of the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival with lots of entries from the month of March. Everyone has kept busy with their outdoor time and now that spring is here we will really get into gear. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the carnival and I hope to see your entry next time!

Don't forget that we start the Spring Series of Outdoor Hour Challenges on Friday, April 2nd. If you have your ebook you can prepare a little ahead of time for this week's challenge. Don't forget to give the art and music appreciation a try each month as well. If you would like to share how that goes in an entry on your blog, please feel free to submit the entry to the OHC Blog Carnival as well. I think it might inspire more families to give it a try.

Outdoor Hour Challenge #2

Kimberly shares their second Outdoor Hour Challenge on her blog: Savino Stories. This is an excellent example of how nature study can look with very little ones.

Amy and her family completed Challenge #2 this time as well, Australia style! Check out their blog entry at Marigold Cottage. They incorporated a lot of great ideas into their nature study time and to the follow-up.

Salt study
Photo from Together for a Reason

Winter Series #6 Salt Study
Amy from Together for a Reason shares their family's very thorough study of salt and salt crystals. Read more about their week here: Salt Study

Sparklee shares their family study of salt in this very thorough and interesting blog post on her blog Karmamatopoeia. Excellent job on this activity!

Jennifer the Fairy Mum, shares their study of salt as part of this Outdoor Hour Challenge. They really enjoyed this simple activity with great results.

Mourning Dove 1
Winter Series #7 Winter Birds
Andi has had to be creative in their family's nature study since her daughter broke her hip. I love the way she is still including nature study in their week and their winter bird entry is such a great example. Don't miss seeing her photos at The Learning Pomegranate.

Amy shares their new love for birds in their winter bird entry. Who knew hanging a birdfeeder would create such enthusiasm. Read all about it on her blog Together for a Reason.

Quinn is busy with baby chicks and this entry shows how they are using the Handbook of Nature Study to observe and learn about chickens as well as birds in general. Check out their entry on Inside the White Picket Fence. Don't miss her entry on parts of a bird too!

Small Square
Photo from Pebblekeeper

Winter Series #8: One Small Square
Angie (Pebblekeeper) shares their family's small square study on her blog Petra School. There are some wonderful photos of their finds and a idea for a list as well.

Tricia and her family completed the one small square activity and completed a great journal entry to follow up. See how it went on her blog HodgePodge-Homeschool Highlights. (She even made the activity a Workbox activity!)

Kellie at the Blue House Academy finished their one small square activity in the snow! I think they did an excellent job with this Outdoor Hour Challenge.

Kelsey and her children completed three small square studies and found some great stuff. Check out her blog entry on her blog Mud Puddles.

Alex from Serendipity Home School shares their one small square study...just a little snow around the edges. They are inpsired to complete their square study in other seasons to compare. Great idea!

Dawn shares their small square activity and a special nature walk as well. Check out her entry on her blog My4Sweetums.

Winter Series #9 Mammals in Winter
Sarah on her blog Sunshine Daydream writes about their family's Outdoor Hour going on a "mammal hunt". They found quite a few signs of mammals to share.

Angie and her boys spent a morning focusing on this challenge with great results. She shares their mammal study on their blog TheOneThing: Creation Walk and Mammals.

Kelsey and her kids found lots of mammal signs for this challenge. She writes and shares some wonderful photos on her blog Mud Puddles.

This mammal study done by Alex is a must read for families that have not completed this challenge yet. You are going to inspired by her entry at Serendipity Home School. I love the photos she took of her dog and cat!

Posing with the Jonquils HodgePodge
Photo from HodgePodge Mom

Winter Series #10 Early Spring Flowers
Tricia's family also completed a study of their spring flowers. They have been keeping track of exactly when each kind of flower started blooming. This sounds like an excellent activity! Read more about it here: HodgePodge Homeschool Highlights.

More spring bulbs at Melissa's house for this her boys in the photo at her blog Bugs, Knights, and Turkeys. Her boys were even inspired to draw and write about their experiences this time!

Michelle at the Urban Cottage Homeschool writes about their Outdoor Hour Challenge time which included a hike and a study of some potted bulbs. Don't miss seeing their journals as well.

Sparklee at Karmamatopoeia had a chance to observe some spring flowers with her children. They found and journaled about some beautiful crocus.

Sideview of Daffodils
Signs of Spring Bonus Challenge
Samantha shares their signs of spring from a trip to a near-by nature center. Visit her blog To Be Busy At Home to read all about it.

More signs of spring from Tricia and her family in their blog entry at HodgePodge Homeschool Highlights. Her daughter even decorated a t-shirt for their outdoor time. Love it!

Gabriele shares the signs of spring in her entry on their blog The Work of Childhood. Check out her spring list.

Dandelions were the focus of Angie's family nature study this week. Pop over to her blog at Petra School to read about their dandelions and see their journals.

Isn't that a great list of entries this time? I love all the variety of styles and ways that different families make the challenges their own. You all inspire me. Please consider submitting your Outdoor Hour Challenge entries and your Spring Series entries to the next carnival. Deadline for submissions will be April 30th and all entries from April are eligible. Here is the link for submissions: LINK.

Thanks again,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. Thank you for putting this together!

  2. Beautiful! Always look forward to your Carnival!

  3. I can't wait to look through these today! Yeah!

  4. Great Job - I like seeing them all together - it kind of brings a nature study family together....
    Blessings and Thank you!
