
Friday, April 6, 2012

OHC More Nature Study Book 3 - Robin Study

American Robin in the tree
More Nature Study Book 3
Spring Bird and Robin Study

Inside Preparation Work:
  • Read the Handbook of Nature Study pages 57-62 (Lesson 11) about the robin. There is so much information about the robin on these pages that it is a little overwhelming. I would read the information and mark any ideas or facts that you are interest in sharing with your child. You don’t have to cover everything this some for next spring as well.
  • Supplement the information from the Handbook with information on All About Birds. Make sure to listen to the robin’s song so you can recognize it when you are outdoors. View the videos on the Cornell website for more information: Robins.
  • Younger Children: Read Burgess Bird Book Ch. 5 online or listen to an MP3 recording to hear the robin’s story.
  • Refer to previous bird challenge: Red Birds and Spring Bird Study. If you do not see a robin this week, you can use the Spring Bird Study to learn more about any bird you see in your yard or neighborhood.
Outdoor Hour Time:
  • Spend time outdoors this week observing birds in your neighborhood. If you see a robin, remember some of the interesting things you can observe: the color, the beak, the way it eats, the way it hops, and its song. Encourage your child to be still, listen, and observe any bird that visits your yard. Remember the lesson objective, “To understand all we can about the life and ways of the robin.” You can apply that to any bird you see this week.
Follow-Up Activity:
  • The Handbook of Nature Study has a whole series of questions that relate to the study of the robin. You can answer as many of them as possible or record your own thoughts and observations in your nature journal. Ebook users: Complete the American Robin notebook page or the optional robin coloring page.
  • If you didn’t observe a robin but did see another bird, use the Handbook of Nature Study index or a field guide to look up the bird for more information. Record your observations in your nature journal or ebook users can complete the Spring Backyard Bird notebook page.
  • Ebook users: Advanced study: Use your field guide to complete the American Robin notebook page.
  • Advanced study: Use the link to Journey North (link below) to choose a topic to research for your robin follow-up study. Suggestions include: A Food Chain Mystery and Focus on Feathers.
  • Advanced study: Use your field guide or the internet to learn more about the thrush family. Choose one other bird in this family and compare it to the American Robin.
Additional Websites:
  • Here is an excellent supplemental printable on American Robins. (child friendly)
  • American Robin—Journey North : Excellent website with loads of information about robins. You can take part in the citizen science project tracking robins in their migration. I highly recommend this website for additional information for children interested in birds and birding. For extra study, click the Will A Robin Choose Your Neighborhood? and follow the directions for a slideshow and printable.
You can read about our Spring Bird - Robin Study:
Robin Nature Study-Where Have They Gone?

More Nature Study Book 3 Button
Don't forget to share your entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in April are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 4/29/12 and you can send them directly to me:

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I'm new here and this is soooo great! Thanks for all your hard work :)
