
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

California Spring Wildflowers - First Wave is Here

Spring wildflowers cheer my very soul. They seem to sing out to all of us that warmer days are coming and we don't need to stay so much indoors anymore. We took a walk near the river yesterday and found so many pretty little flowers to enjoy. Above there are Baby Blue Eyes and Fivespot...there were whole patches of them on a sunny little hillside.

 Round every corner there were more blue many blue flowers do you know?

Okay, I have to admit that this is by far the best image I have ever taken of this particular flower....and it was with my iPhone! I love that you can even see a little ant enjoying the golden yellow color in the sunshine. These meadow buttercups are everywhere right now and they make the day seem brighter.

Here is going to be my first shrub for my Nature Study Goals for 2013. I will do my research and identify the shrub and add it to my nature the blog for more information on this one.

 This is our local Miner's Lettuce in bloom - Claytonia perfoliata. Read more about it here: Claytonia perfoliata.

Nothing so pretty as Sierra Nevada Pea.....just now starting to shoot up and twine itself among the other wildflowers and weeds. Love this pink one the best!

So hopefully my wildflowers have cheered you up if you are having cold weather....and inspired you to go look for your own wildflowers if you have the opportunity.

Have you seen any wildflowers in your area yet?


  1. I have to agree! Wildflowers have a a way of making us smile! :)

    We had wildflowers early this year. Phlox has been up for about two months. We spotted our first Indian Paintbrush about 5 weeks ago. Bluebonnets are up, though sparse this year due to lack of rain. We have also seen some Texas Bindweed, Firewheel...and some others we don't yet know the names!

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos! I will share them with my sweet son, whom adores wildflowers, and well, another Botany! ;)

  2. Beautiful! It was a nice sunny day today, but our yard is still covered in snow.

    Tomorrow we have a hiked planned with some other homeschoolers. I hope the trails aren't too icy. We'll be looking for moss, lichens, and mushrooms!


  3. No wildflowers yet, mostly snow and daffadils. The blue flower looks like a blue version of the evening primrose, which in Texas is pink or white.

  4. Laurie,

    The Baby Blue Eyes are much, much shorter than the evening primrose around here. They are more of a grass.


    I saw some Indian pinks just about ready to bloom but not quite. No phlox here yet. :)


    Hope you find some moss, lichen AND mushrooms!

  5. So beautiful to see all your wildflowers!!
    No, we haven't seen any here yet on Prince Edward Island. Everything is still covered in snow...

  6. You have them popping up all over! Beautiful! We have irises now. The white ones. Purple comes next!
