
Friday, March 29, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Extraordinary in the Ordinary

Finding the extraordinary in the ordinary in our nature travels is something we try to do on a regular basis. In my experience, the more you examine a subject, the better you really see it and its beauty....its extraordinary-ness!

Revisit the topic of mushrooms (or fungus) this week and try to find something extraordinary to discover. Make up stories about the mushrooms, recording them in your nature journal. Make sketches or additional watercolor entries in your nature journal. Take photos and add them to your nature journal. Enjoy!
Printable Activity: Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary-Mushrooms
Free Printable Notebook Page: Extraordinary in the Ordinary
This is a great activity for using your imagination and for seeing beyond the ordinary. Take some time to find a subject for this Extraordinary in the Ordinary challenge. Take a deep look at any fungus you find in your yard or local area. Try to see the beauty of the structure, the placement, the role it plays in the habitat. Perhaps it provides food for a local animal or insect. Find some aspect to really enjoy as you spend one last week exploring the fungi in your world. 

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If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #9 - Small Square Study. Find a spot where you have some fungus growing and mark out your small square according to the instructions in this challenge. Use you keen observation skills to find as many things as you can in your square and then record your results on the notebooking page

OHC Blog Carnival
Tomorrow is the last day to submit your entries to this month's edition of the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Please submit any March Outdoor Hour Challenge entries ASAP.

Last Weekly Giveaway for the Month of March!
Each Friday in the month of March will be sponsoring a giveaway for a Nature Study Bundle of notebooking pages. Use Rafflecopter below to enter and see more of the details for entering.  I will pick a winner each Sunday evening as a thank you to my readers. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We have been loving getting out doors with a purpose lately. Thank you so much for this blog. While we aren't homeschoolers this year, we see a great need for nature in our kid's lives and you are making my decision to homeschool next year easier!! I hope I win the Nature Study Bundle!!

  2. We have been loving getting out doors with a purpose lately. Thank you so much for this blog. While we aren't homeschoolers this year, we see a great need for nature in our kid's lives and you are making my decision to homeschool next year easier!! I hope I win the Nature Study Bundle!

  3. We sort of have a Nature Journal but we haven't really used it consistently. I'm going to use the summer to get us in the habit of doing Nature Study as we won't be so busy with homeschooling.

  4. Yes,we all have nature journals.

  5. Extraordinary in the ordinary ... I love it! :)

  6. We have one. Hope to go hunting for frog eggs and other signs of spring tomorrow. Melanie

  7. We are starting a Nature Study group that meets once a month. Your blog is a great source for things to do.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  8. We do not yet but will be starting them soon. I have been very inspired by your blog and all the great ideas and topics!

  9. We have nature journals, we don't write or draw very much yet as my eldest has just turned 5, We do many of the challenges though and they're always eagerly awaited. We love the inspiration from both you and others who submit what they have done, one of my faves was the stone stacking links, I still have those images coming back to me on a regular basis.

  10. Just found your blog, and I'm so excited. I can't wait to come through past posts.

  11. I do not have a personal nature journal, but I am enjoying helping my son with his. His inspires me to start my own!

  12. I don't have my own nature notebook, but I am definitely planning on starting one.

  13. I don't have my own nature journal yet, but I am definitely planning on starting one.

  14. With the goal of scheduling once a week to make nature study actually happen, I hope to start my own and prod the kids to keep on with theirs! We are nature lovers but need to take the next step to ask questions and seek out answers from what we observe in nature then record it.
    Thank you for the inspiration to validate what I value!

  15. With the goal of scheduling once a week to make nature study actually happen, I hope to start my own and prod the kids to keep on with theirs! We are nature lovers but need to take the next step to ask questions and seek out answers from what we observe in nature then record it.
    Thank you for the inspiration to validate what I value!

  16. I was pretty good about nature study in the Fall, but slacked off in the Winter. Now that Spring is starting to appear, I'm excited to get the kids outside and into nature again!
