
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival - Reptile and Amphibian Edition

OHC Blog Carnival

What a fantastic month of surprise reptiles and amphibians! I am always amazed at what comes our way to study and after reading the entries from all the participants I know you have the same sort of experience. We go out looking for reptiles and amphibians and there they are! If your family wants to save these challenges for later in the season, please feel free to share your entries with the carnival and I will put them in the Potpourri section.

Thanks for all your hard work and for sharing your experiences!

Our family's reptile and amphibian entries from this month's study (in case you missed one):
Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Photo Credit: Angie from Petra School

Reptile and Amphibian Grid Nature Study
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares their field trip: Reptiles and Amphibian Study at the Pet Store. Her gorgeous images will inspire you to take a trip to your local pet shop. Alex also shares the Reptiles and Amphibians Nature Study-Books and Videos entry with all of you.

Angie from Petra School has written an awesome entry for you: Benefits of Observational Nature Study. She shares their on-going long-term nature study of frogs and their habitats. This is such a great example showing how just a few minutes a week over the long run will reap many rewards.

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie captured their outdoor time in a lovely entry: But Not the Reptiles and Amphibians. She shows the many things they encountered and finally their skink. 

Carol from Journey and Destination (Australia) has submitted her entry: April Nature Study-Reptiles, Rodents, and Randoms. You mush click over and see the very awesome Lace Monitor!

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana did a wonderful job of sharing their: Amphibian Grid Study with the carnival. 

Alice from Redwoods Homeschool shares her two entries with the carnival Salamander Find! and Salamanders.

Photo Credit: Kris from On The 8th Day

Frog Study
Shirley Anne from Under An English Sky submits her Outdoor Hour Challenge-Toads entry to this edition of the carnival. Magnificent images!

Nadene at Practical Pages shares their Tiny Frogs entry with the carnival. She shares the smallest frogs I have ever seen....don't miss it!

Kris from On The 8th Day submits her entry: A Surprise Nature Discovery. They found a pool of water and then a frog and some eggs! 

Kim from A Child's Garden has written up their Frog Hunting in Connecticut-Our Ten Frog Species entry for you to enjoy. 

Lisa from Pilgrims at Tinker Creek shares their Creek Walk and a really big toad!

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana submits their entry: Frogs! They look like they enjoyed their study and learning all about their local frogs. 

Photo Credit: Alex - Life on a Canadian Island

Focus on Reptiles and Amphibians

Cristy from Cristy Nature Journal has submitted her OHC Reptiles entry for this edition of the carnival. She shares a very tiny turtle they found in their backyard. She also would like to share her entry: Plants that Eat Animals.

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island has written and submitted her entry: Dead Man's Pond - Looking for Amphibians. She shares their excellent pre-study and then their pond adventure along with some additional resources for you.

Rachel from Happily Occupied Homebodies shares her wonderful entry: Turtles and Salamanders and Frogs! She describes with words and images their hunt for salamanders in the woods. She also shares her baby finches in this entry: Spring is Here and So Are The Baby Birds.

Photo Credit: Shirley Ann from Under an English Sky

Seasonal Pond Study
Shirley Ann from Under an English Sky has put together a fabulous entry with their pond study: Pond Life and a Tadpole Aquarium. I really enjoyed reading about their pond study and their nature journal pages are not to be missed. 

Orange Jelly Fungi from The Diary of an Owl
Heidi from Home Schoolroom has gathered their Spring Nature Study and Easter Celebration into one entry for you. I love her moss observations.

Diana from Homeschool Review shares their Slate Nature Study with the carnival.  She not only shares their abundant slate but also some moss and lichen too.

Sweetie from The Diary of an Owl has submitted their Orange Jelly Fungi entry for you to enjoy. I love seeing what our younger participants are learning as they spend time outdoors.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don't forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in May are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 5/30/13 and you can send them directly to me:


  1. Awesome carnival! We've been enjoying participating in the outdoor hour challenge so much this year!!

  2. Thanks for another GREAT carnival Barb. I am so looking forward to reading everyone's entries.

  3. Awesome carnival as always! I'm so delighted that my daughter chose to participate this time around .. hopefully the first of many. :)
