
Friday, April 12, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Frog Nature Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge:
You can reference the Outdoor Hour Challenge for Frogs from the Summer Series for pages to read in the Handbook of Nature Study, observation ideas, and some follow-up activities. Pick and choose which ones are appropriate for your local area and weather. Please make sure to save this study in case you don't have tadpoles or frogs to observe in person. This is a wonderful long-term study that your children will love. 

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Frogs
    Printable: Frog Field Guide Notebook Page

    This week's free printable is one that even your older students will enjoy using along with a field guide. Pick a local frog to learn more about and record your findings for your nature journal using this free printable notebook page. 
    Frog Field Guide Notebook Page
    Getting Started Suggestion:
    If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #7. Take time to read through this challenge and contemplate how you could use your reptile and amphibian study to make a field guide of your local subjects. This could be a long term project that you add to as you come across new things to learn about.  

    You may be interested in Hearts and Trees new Frog Lapbook PDF. Click over and read all about it!

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    OHC Blog Carnival
    You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 4/29/13.

    Use the discount code "sweet" for a 30% discount.

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