
Monday, April 8, 2013

Using Less Plastics - Better Trash Bags

This month we tackled another of our big plastic uses.....trash bags. I love my convenient lovely trash bags with their nice easy to use handles. But, after taking a really good look at our consumption of these regular plastic trash bags...we felt that this was an area we could reduce the number of bags or to use a more environment-friendly alternative. 

Enter the Google Search!

Normal plastic bags can take up to 1000 years to naturally breakdown.

Trash bags for our household trash -  
Pride Green Life Cycle Bags
Who knew there were such easy to find alternatives? We had always purchased our trash bags from Costco in bulk but a quick Google Search and we had some options to look for on We found an alternative to our regular plastic trash bag that is a biodegradable plastic that says it will breakdown in 18-36 months which sounds a whole lot better than 1000 years! We went with these bags from Pride Green because they had the best reviews online. We have used them for a little over a month now and I honestly have seen no change in durability and ease of use. They have quickly replaced our normal plastic trash bags.

Compost Bucket Bags-
BioBag Food Waste Bags 

We use a small under-the-counter compost bucket for collecting our kitchen wastes. We have switched to using BioBag Food Waste Bags which are completely compostable. They are made from starches and will be consumed by micro-organisms in our soil. No fussing with these bags...we can just remove the full bag and throw the whole thing in our compost bin! No one complains about taking the compost bucket to the composter anymore.

Just in case you want to know about our under the counter kitchen composter looks like. We have used this for many years and are very happy with the convenience of having it right there for kitchen clean-up and food preparation time.

Any tips or suggestions for reusable produce bags? 

Next month I will be sharing our experience with our reusable sandwich and snack bags. :)


  1. I will definitely be looking into those trash bags! For our compost container, I just use an old large plastic ice cream bucket with a lid. It fits perfectly under the sink and is easy to dump.

  2. Our local grocery store had reuseable mesh produce bags. There are good unless the produce is really wet like just sprayed lettuce. That makes a mess. Plus, the kids love the bags and keep running off with them. They are great for keeping small toy collections together ;)

  3. This is really timely. I've thought about replacing our trash bags with something more eco-friendly but hadn't got around to looking up any options. I also need to start composting too. Thanks :) Here's a pattern number for a "mesh market bag" if you happen to crochet: WR2030. I've tucked it away for future reference.
