
Monday, May 6, 2013

Introducing May's Blog Sponsor: Udi's Gluten Free

This month's blog sponsor is Udi's Gluten Free....a premium gluten-free foods company that caught my attention when I attended the BEECH Retreat way back in January. I was so impressed with their products and their company that I decided to seek them out for a partnership here on my blog as a way to help promote their delicious foods to my readers. If you are gluten-free in your family or thinking about it, I highly recommend that you see if you can purchase their products in your area (look in the frozen foods department).

Why have Udi's Gluten Free sponsor my nature study blog? 
Personally, I think eating healthy foods is a part of the lifestyle that I try to promote here on my blog. I know of many families in my real life that are gluten-free and I have seen the struggles they have gone through to provide alternatives to gluten for their children who have Celiacs or other grain-related allergies. I want you to experience what I did at the BEECH Retreat. I was shocked to taste gluten-free that was so yummy!

As an active family, I wanted to show how you can take Udi's Gluten Free products with you on the trail and on the road. This month we will be traveling to Yosemite for our big spring trip and Udi's foods will be going along with us. I look forward to sharing the many varieties of tasty treats and staples that have found a place in our family's diet.

Udi's Gluten Free - Giveaway
So let's start the month off right with a fun giveaway for two free products from Udi's Gluten Free. Use the Rafflecopter gadget to enter for a coupon for free Udi's products. Two winners will get to try their choice of products using the coupons that I will mail to them. I will pull the winners on Wednesday night. It is as simple as that!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Udi's provided free product for my review and for the giveaways but no other compensation was received. I love these products and want to share them with will always get my honest opinion.


  1. I love Udi's products. I've been gluten free for four years now, and having tried various gf products, theirs are hands-down the best! I hope I win!

  2. I am new to gluten free. I am just learning of the benefits. I love snickerdoodles. Maybe they would be a good place to start to try.

  3. We are just starting the journey toward gluten-free. So far almost everything tastes 'gritty'? I haven't tried Udi's products but what I am missing the most are my desserts and pizza. I would most like to try the pizza crusts and the dark chocolate brownie bites.

  4. I am new to gluten free. I would really like to find a good pizza crust. The dark chocolate brownie bites also sound like a good choice!

  5. I have tried a few of Udi's products. I would love the opportunity to try some others - for free!

  6. I have tried a few of Udi's products. I would love to try some others - for free!

  7. One of my children (and possibly 2 others) have issues with wheat... I have tried gluten free pasta (which is a life saver) and have made several baked things from scratch... I have not really tried any ready-made breads and would love to give Udi's a try... Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. We are working on going wheat free. I would love to try their snickerdoodles!

  9. Sounds good. Getting ready to start being gluten free here.

  10. My son has to eat GF and he loves Udi"s. He would like the Vanilla Muffins, Please.

  11. Would love to try their pizza crusts!! We tried going gluten free about 5 or 6 years ago (before the explosion of products) and it was difficult. Hubby has just balanced what's healthy and gluten free with what he's figured out he can "cheat" with- pizza's one of those we never found one he liked. Maybe this will be it!!

  12. Would love to try their pizza crust- that's one thing we've yet to find that we like gluten free :(

  13. My 8yo is sensitive to all kinds of things. Udi's has been a lifesaver for her. Love the chocolate muffins!

  14. We've been gf for many years, it's so nice to be able to find gf versions of our favorite foods now.

  15. Neat! We're not gluten free, but since we're alotofotherthings-free I have enormous sympathy for folks with that challenge!

    (PS It rained for two days so we finally got around to mushroom studies.)

  16. Udi's products have made going gluten-free easy. Their bagels are dynamite! I haven't tried their muffins yet, so that is where I would go next.

  17. I have REALLY wanted to try their GF cookies since I keep seeing them popping up all over the place!

  18. Love Udi's bread, bagels and hamburger buns. They are the best I've tried. I would love to try the GF cookies or other goodies.

  19. We are just starting to try gluten free. One of my daughters has some sensory disorder issues and hyperactivity issues that we think might be helped with a gluten free diet. I'd love to try some Udi's muffins, probably vanilla, to see if they meet her picky tastes. So many things we've tried are gritty or have an eggy texture.

  20. We've been gluten free for almost two years now. Udi's has always been our go-to "bread". Love that stuff.

  21. would like to try the pizza crusts

  22. I have tried gluten free products before, with varying results. Udi's products look yummy! I'd love to try dark chocolate brownie bites!

  23. My son has been gluten free for a year now. He loves the cinnamon raisin bread.

  24. Everything we've ever tried has been fantastic! We love Udi's and they allow my family to eat the same things. We have peanut, soy and gluten allergies and Udi's is not only allergen free, they taste good too. It's the only gluten free bread my son will eat. And their pizza crust, bagels and hot dog buns are really good too!

  25. Udi's is one of the best gluten free brands! After eating gluten free for around 5 years, my family still eats Udi's. My mom, sister, and brother all have Celiac's too. We love their muffins!

  26. I too, am new to GFree (and one of my children). Udi's has definitely made the transition easier.

  27. My sister is GF really loves their pizza crusts. I'd love to win some and make her pizza :)

  28. I absolutely LOVE the granola - both kinds I sampled at BEECH Retreat. I mixed it in with Greek yogurt - delicious!

  29. I would love to try their baguettes! The local stores don't carry them! Or the Everything inside bagels!

  30. I have just started a gluten-free lifestyle because of health reasons. I would love to try the Dark Chocolate Brownie Bites!

  31. Gluten free is something I have to do sometimes when my Celiac flares up, but overall, have to be honest, I hate it. Everything tastes gritty to me,even seemingly harmless products contain gluten so there is a land mine around every corner. I think a base layer of some sort would be of interest to me, like pizza crust or wraps. All the recipes I've tried are 'nice tries.' Not yummy. Sorry to be a whiner.

  32. My boys love their hamburger buns (served at several local restaurants) and I'd like to try the pizza crust. Thanks!
