
Friday, May 17, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge: Petunia Flower Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge:
We have never had an official Petunia Outdoor Hour Challenge so this is going to be a fresh nature study experience for all of us. Petunias come in so many colors that there is sure to be one that attracts the attention of your children. Take a trip to the flower nursery and pick out a petunia to add to your garden or to plant in a pot.

Use Lesson 162 in the Handbook of Nature Study to learn more about your petunia. Read the introductory paragraphs and pick out a few facts to share with your children. Then, using the suggestions in the lesson, make some careful observations about your petunia. The notebook page below will be helpful in getting you started. Remember there is also a notebook page for garden flowers in this month's newsletter.

Here are a few ideas from the Handbook of Nature Study:
  • #2 and #4Sketch or describe the flower.
  • #6 Cut open a flower and describe its parts.
  • #9 Describe the stems.
  • #11 Describe the seed capsule. 
    Printable Notebook Page for Petunias

    Printable Petunia Nature Study Notebook Page

    Getting Started Suggestion:
    If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #2 - Using Your Words. Use this challenge to help you child come up with some words to describe their petunia flower. Record their thoughts on the accompanying notebook page.   

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    OHC Blog Carnival
    You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 12/30/12.

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