
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Yosemite in Spring- Waterfalls and Biking

 Nature Study Goal - Visit Yosemite in all four seasons.

Our spring trip to Yosemite National Park happened this past weekend...under brilliant blue skies and with warm spring breezes. Our original plans were for my husband and I along with the two younger boys to make the trip. When it came down to it, my nineteen year old and I were the only ones who were able to go. Fire season came early this year so my husband had to work a fire in Southern California. See? I always make plans but then remain flexible.

We were up and out of the house early and hit the road for the four hour drive to Yosemite. The time went by fast and I have to say it is super nice to have children that can drive me places while I enjoy the scenery flash by the window. After an uneventful trip there, we parked at Curry Village and took the shuttle to the trailhead at Happy Isles.

You can watch my video introduction to the hike above...glimpsing the rushing Merced River in the background. The trail to the bridge below Vernal Falls is mostly paved and sections are rather steep. The biggest obstacle are all the people! This is a popular day hike and on this particular Saturday....lots and lots people from all over the world. My son commented on how many different languages he heard as we hiked...Yosemite is a world-class destination for sure.

The one thing I really like about this hike is that you can hear and see the river as you hike. This makes it appear cooler and it reminds you that there will be a spectacular view just around every corner. I am always amazed at the power of water.

Here is what the lower trail looks like as you go from Happy Isles up to the bridge below Vernal Falls. Granite boulders and slabs surround you and the river runs along one side.

From the bridge up the trail to the falls the trail turns into slippery wet granite steps. You can tell how steep they are by observing how much the hikers are leaning over as they climb.This part is called the Mist Trail because you get the spray from the waterfall drenching you with water. I didn't capture it this time but you can see whole rainbows in the misty air coming off the waterfall as you look over and back. Amazing!

Want to see how wet you get? Here is a video: Mist Trail at Yosemite National Park

At last! I am up at the top of Vernal Falls after a last heroic effort of encouragement from my son. He was such a great hiking partner and really cheered me on when I thought I had gone as far as I could up the HUGE granite steps and then inching my way up the last ledge with just a hand railing to keep me from falling off the cliff. See my smile? I was happy to up there and it was so very much worth the effort for this 50+ year old woman to be there. It helps that I have lost 40 pounds in the last three months...not so much weight to haul up the trail.

Here is the video from the top: Vernal Falls.

We had lunch and then hiked further up the trail to the bridge below Nevada Falls which was beautiful this time of year. We took our time going back down the trail and called it a day. Our tent cabin at Curry Village was super clean and comfortable. I think I slept better that night than I have in the last six months. I highly recommend the tent cabins at Curry Village for a camping experience without the fuss of taking your own equipment.

Milkweed with Half Dome in the distance

Our second day was spent biking around Yosemite Valley on the bike trails. This is my favorite way to take in the sights and we made the grand loop from Curry Village to Yosemite Village and then around the Swinging Bridge back to the Lodge and then on back to Curry Village where we had our car parked. There are 12 miles of biking trails around Yosemite Valley and you can rent bikes from Curry Village or Yosemite Lodge.

My son took a panoramic photo of the valley floor with Half Dome in the background and me on my bike. Awesome morning ride and we can hardly wait to go back and do it again this summer.

We are always sad to leave but we made some great memories and I feel great for having accomplished the hike to the top of Vernal Falls.


  1. Oh thanks for taking me along! For that is just what it felt like while I was enjoying the photos, words and videos of your post. How absolutely gorgeous!! And what an inspiration you are - love the idea of visiting a favorite spot in every season. Wonderful.

  2. I loved this post. Thank you so much for sharing it and all the little videos made for a wonderful experience, almost like being there.
    I was thinking while watching the videos that you were looking thinner, then I read your comment about your weight loss. Congratulations! You look great and way to go on doing the trail!

  3. Thanks for sharing this, Barb - what a beautiful place you visited!

    And you look terrific, by the way. Way to go!

  4. Awesome! Yosemite is beautiful! It is nice to finally see it! Looking forward to the summer trip!

  5. Yay - so wonderful to "see" you in my favorite place on the planet. (And congratulations to you on your weight loss - you look fantastic!)
