
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wildflower Nature Study - Getting Out and Enjoying the Weather

My lovely hedge bindweed is really spreading out in the area I am allowing it to grow. I know in my heart that it is a weed but when a plant grows all on its own, with no need for lots of water, and has a pretty flower, I am willing to let it have its way. There is a whole lesson in the Handbook of Nature Study (Lesson 139) on hedge bindweed and it is also included in last year's Vine Nature Study.

These are usually an early spring wildflower but I found a shady spot on our walking trail that had some blooming just this past week. We call them Fairy Lanterns but they are also known as White Globe Lilies. We see this one each year but I don't think I have it in my nature journal...making a note to add it this week.

Now to the yellow multi-petal flower. I have such a hard time with identifying these sorts of flowers even using a local field guide. I will just enjoy it while it lasts along the trail.

It is the time of year that the Fireweed is blooming in our pretty in its pinkish purple color.

There are two plants that run wild in our area and they are so common that you almost forget to stop and take a look. This is the Purple Vetch that grows like crazy along the roadsides and empty spaces. The second plant is the Sierra Nevada shades of pink and purple.

We are enjoying our wildlfower and weed grid study and will continue with it all month.

Have you found any wildflowers yet?

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