
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival - Wildflower and Weed Edition

OHC Blog Carnival

Wow! What a great month our family had with the weeds and wildflowers theme! We saw flowers everywhere we went and were able to add a few new ones to our wildflower lists. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the entries to the carnival...thanks so much for sharing your nature study activities with the Outdoor Hour Challenge family.

Our family's wildflower and weed entries from this month's study (in case you missed one):
1. Wildflower Nature Study - Getting Out And Enjoying The Weather
2. Our Oregon Coast Wildflower and Weed Grid
3. Milkweed Study - Start a Year Long Study

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Blog She Wrote: Flower Pressing
Photo Credit: Heather from Blog She Wrote

Wildflower and Weed Grid Study
Shirley Ann from Under an English Sky shares their OHC-Queen Anne's Lace entry for you to enjoy. Don't miss their lovely nature journal entries!

Heather from Blog You Wrote has submitted two awesome wildflower themed entries: Wildflower Blooms: Art and Nature and then Adventures with Flowers: Pressing and Identifying. Awesome information and ideas for extending your wildflower nature study.

Alice from Redwoods Homeschool writes about Wildflowers in Our Yard. I really loved seeing the pretty wildflowers so prevalent in her area.

Rachel from United for Christ did an awesome job with their Rocky Mountain Wildflowers entry. She shares many of the gorgeous flowers they found, some they identified and some they need some help with.

Wild Radish
Photo Credit: Michelle at Following Footprints

Michelle from Following Footprints did an awesome job in her entry: Wildlfowers and Weeds. Take a peek into their colorful wildflowers and enjoy the sights. 

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island submits her Lupines: Wildflowers entry to the carnival.  Enjoy the colorful images from PEI. She also sent in her Wildflower: Common Buttercups entry for you to check out...don't miss the wonderful images.

Robin from Academia shares two entries in this edition of the carnival: Wild Flowers and  Tadpoles. As usual she shares their fun nature study.

Jennifer from Royal Little Lambs shares their Utah Wildflower Pictures entry with you.Wow! They found a lot of colorful and pretty wildflowers to share with you. Thanks Jennifer!

Photo Credit: Shirley Ann from Under An English Sky

Weeds and Seeds
Shirley Ann from Under an English Sky submits their OHC - Grid Study for carnival readers. I included it in the weeds and seeds category because she has a wonderful image of their three weed seeds. Don't miss reading her entry and viewing her simple nature board. 

petunia nature study
Photo credit: Eva Varga
Claire submits their Year Long Pond Study - Night Visit for this edition of the carnival. Her images and the progression of their on-going pond study are inspiring.

Eva submits her Surprise Cross Pollination Experiment entry for you to read. They had some petunias accidentally cross pollinate and you can see the results in her entry. This would be a great garden flower nature study activity. 

Eva also has written up their Butterfly Bonanza - Lessons in Butterfly Identification, showing their outing with local naturalists to net and then identify butterflies. Great entry!

Photo Credit: Kris at On the Eighth Day

Kris from On The Eighth Day submits their The Campout Weekend entry for you to be inspired by. They had two campout nights in their backyard. Love it!

OHC Blog Carnival
Don't forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in July are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 7/30/13 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).


  1. Thanks for your contribution Shirley!

  2. Thank you for including me in your carnival. I shall enjoy looking through all the other entries.
