
Friday, August 2, 2013

Fresh Corn to Eat and For a Little Nature Study

I helped my dad in his garden today...picking corn! He has so much of it that he is tired of eating corn so our family was obliged to take some ears for our dinner. :)

He purchased Renee's Garden seeds and planted three rows and all of it came up and is producing lots of sweet corn.

I was wishing I had some kids that could do a corn nature study using the Corn Study from the archives here on the Handbook of Nature Study as part of the Crop Plants series we did several years ago.

For now, I will just eat corn until we are tired of it!

Hopefully you all get the link to the newsletter with today's post if you are a subscriber. If you don't get the link, let me know. I can't figure out why some didn't get it yesterday.


  1. Oh, how I love fresh corn. It reminds me of my youth when we would pick corn and sell it for 75 cents a dozen...but I suppose that is dating me, isn't it? BTW...I wanted to let you know that the newsletter came in my inbox last night.

  2. Thanks for reminding me about Renee's Garden seeds. I had really good results with their seeds and then I forgot about them. My garden this year was not so good, so I really needed to remember where I had gotten my good seeds from!

  3. Our family loves corn. We recently got some from a nearby Amish market, and it is so good :)
