
Monday, September 30, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival - September Fall Fun Edition

OHC Blog Carnival

The change of the season always renews my nature study spirit! With the cooler air and still abundant sunshine, our family has taken back the evening hours for hikes in the woods and at the river. The sunset is coming  a few minutes earlier each week so we are not getting in a long walk but there is still time to end our day with some fresh air and some exploring. I know that will end soon so I am savoring each walk.
Thank you to all the participants for this edition of the blog carnival. 

Our family's entry from this month's study (in case you missed it):
Autumn Flower Study- Asters of All Kinds

Be Inspired! Be Encouraged! Get Outdoors!

Fall Fun Grid
  • Alex from Life On A Canadian Island has submitted her entry: Apple Picking-PEI Open Farm Day. This looks like fall has really arrived and is in full swing on Prince Edward Island. 
  • Michelle shares their Fall Fun Grid with you to enjoy.  Don't miss this entry showing how they completed many of the grid activities...and some wonderful nature journal entries too.  
  • Umm Safiya shares their Artsy Fall Page with Pastels, inspired by the OHC Fall Fun Grid to make a fall themed notebook page. Nicely done!
Photo credit: Alex from Life On A Canadian Island
Autumn Flowers - Goldenrod, Aster, and Chrysanthemums
  • Alex from Life On A Canadian Island shares her Asters and Goldenrod entry with the carnival.  What a treat to find two different flowers to study this month.
  • Shirley-Ann from Under An English Sky has put together her Aster Study for you to enjoy. They did a thorough job studying these interesting flowers and then completing a nature journal too.
Fall Cattail Study
  • Desiree from Our Homeschool Notebook has written up and submitted their Cattails Update and Pond Study observations for this edition of the carnival. Thanks for sharing such great cattail images. 
Nature Study11
Photo Credit: Michelle at Following Footprints
Signs of Autumn
  • Michelle from Following Footprints has submitted their entry: A Walk in the Park in the Fall. This so encouraged me to see how simple and lovely their day was just exploring and enjoying nature and each other's company. I hope it encourages you too!
  • Umm Safiya has submitted her Whatcha Doing Wednesday entry showing their signs of autumn.  Lots of great autumn discoveries to be seen in her neighborhood.
Photo Credit: Cristy's Nature Journal
  • Alex from Life On A Canadian Island has submitted her entry, The Magic of The Forest. Take a visual nature walk with her family...a feast for the eyes!
  • Cristy from Cristy's Nature Journal writes about their At The Beach experience using the beach newsletter ideas from last year. They added three new birds to their life list. Wahoo!
  • Umm Safiya shares their Outdoor Hour Challenge - Nature Study #4 with the carnival. They were on a quest for oaks and they share their discoveries and nature journals too.
  • Heidi from Home Schoolroom has submitted their Moon Nature Study entry for all to read. I especially love their journals.
  • Michelle from Following Footprints has submitted their entry Fall Fun Day with Apples. Their family studied apples, made apple crisp, and did some chalk pastel apples. Awesome fun!
  • Claire shares an update on her One Year Pond Study-Week 27 Midway Reflections. Lots of things going on at her pond..and lovely reflections from Claire.
  • Kris from On The Eighth Day has put together and shared her entry: A Natural Surprise. Go over and take a peek at their surprise in the garden.
  • Eva Varga has submitted their entry showing their nature study while traveling: Nature Study in China: Phylum Mollusca.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don't forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in December are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 10/30/13 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).


  1. Another awesome carnival as always! Thank you so much for coordinating this for everyone, Barb!

  2. Another fantastic carnival! Thanks you Barb.
