
Friday, September 6, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Goldenrod, Aster, and Chrysanthemum Nature Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge
Goldenrod, Aster, and Chrysanthemum Study
Additional Activity: Autumn Garden Nursery Field Trip Idea

Autumn Garden Nursery Field Trip - Printable Mini-Book

We used a similar mini-book to explore the garden nursery in the spring and now I am encouraging you to take another field trip to see the autumn selections and perhaps look for a potted chrysanthemum to purchase and bring home to pot for your home garden. My local Home Depot had four different colors to choose from and a small pot cost around $3.00. Make sure to print out the Autumn Garden Nursery Field Trip Mini-Book above and take it along with you for some added fun. This is an easy way to entice even the most reluctant child into taking a closer look at flowers. 

Getting Started Suggestion:
If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #2-Using Your Words.  Make sure to read the page in the Handbook of Nature Study for this challenge. After your outdoor time looking at autumn flowers, spend time putting words to your experiences. Older children can record their thoughts on the accompanying notebook page or for younger children you can write a few words in their nature journal, letting them illustrate the page if they want.

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OHC Blog Carnival
You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 9/29/13.

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