
Friday, October 25, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Autumn Squirrel Nature Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge
Squirrel Nature Study

Use the ideas in this week's challenge to learn more about squirrels. Hopefully you will be able to observe a real squirrel displaying his qualities of agility and ingenuity.

Book Review  
It is always nice to have a good reference book when studying that covers tracks and scat is very helpful. One book that I enjoy and find creates interest in this topic is the book, Tracks, Scats and Signs by Leslie Dendy. This is one a series of books that is aimed at stimulating interest in nature study, using inviting illustrations and simple to understand text. 

This is a book you will share with your children before going outdoors and then use in a follow if you find some tracks or scat. You can sketch the tracks in your nature journal or take photos to include if you wish. This book is included in Fun With Nature: Take Along Guide if already own that one.

Links and images are affiliate links to books I highly recommend. 

Getting Started Suggestion:
If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #7. Use the notebook page in this challenge to record any mammal tracks or scat you find in your own backyard. Look up the tracks and then complete the notebook page for the animal you discover. You can add to your own field guide pages any time you find something new in your backyard.

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OHC Blog Carnival
You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 10/30/13.

You may also be interested in purchasing this
Forest Mammals Lapbook Kit from Hearts and Trees.
Hearts and Trees Mammal Lapbook Kit

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