
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival - October Colors and Textures

OHC Blog Carnival
October has been the most mild and inviting time to be outdoors! The mornings have been cool, the sunshine abundant, and the afternoons were just perfect to take a walk crunching the leaves under foot. I can't remember an October like this one! I hope your month has been full of sunshine and nature walks too.

Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful entries with this edition of the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Readers are in for a treat and hopefully they will be inspired to take a few minutes during November to create their own nature study memories as well.

Our family's October entries from this month's study (in case you missed one):
Yosemite Autumn Trip
October Pumpkin Study and Recipes
Autumn Watercolor Nature Journal Idea

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Image Credit: Michelle from Following Footprints

October Grid Study - Colors and Textures
Michelle from Following Footprints shares their OHC - Fun With Fall Colors and Textures entry with this edition of the carnival. I told her that this made my heart sing and I know it will inspire you too!

Lisa from Pilgrims at Tinker Creek has submitted their entry: Autumn Nature Walk. We get to glimpse into their colors and many to enjoy!

Image Credit: Carla at Inside Outside Michiana

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana put together a lovely entry: Leaf Art. This is part of the grid study this month. She is going to be having a 30 Days of Nature Art series on her blog in November 2013. That sounds awesome!

Image Credit: Carla from Inside Outside Michiana

Oak Tree
Carla from Inside Outside Michiana has submitted their entry: Nurturing Acorns - Trees. There are so many wonderful ideas incorporated into this entry that you don't want to miss it if you have little ones. 

Shirley Ann from Under An English Sky has submitted their OHC Pumkins entry for you to read. They grew their own pumpkins, completed a study, and then did some pumpkin art. Don't miss this encouraging post!

Michelle from Following Footprints shares their Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip. So much pumpkiny goodness! They then did a Pumpkin Study and would love for you to take a peek!

Heidi from Home Schoolroom shares their Squirrel Nature Study entry with carnival readers.You are in for a treat..getting to read about and see their squirrel friend, Nutty.

Image Credit: Alex from Life on a Canadian Island

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares their Window Nature Study - Autumn October with carnival readers. What a simple idea! Alex also has submitted her Sunflowers-October Nature Study entry to this edition of the carnival. Oh My! You must see the images in this post...gorgeous! You can read her Sunflower-Dissection entry as a follow-up.

Shirley Ann submits her Autumn Mushroom Study entry for you to enjoy. The images and nature journal examples are worth the time to click over and read. Thanks Shirley Ann!

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie has put together their The Best of Autumn (Autumn Nature Study) entry for you to enjoy. They are completing their nature study with a baby along this year...adorable! 

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island has her Fungus-Strathgartney Park Trail entry put together for you to see their local fungus. Such a variety!  One last entry from Alex- Ladybird - October Nature Study. You must see the last image in this post...AMAZING!

Dorina from Outside Blue would love for you to read her entry: Monday Bike Ride and a Goldenrod Nature Study. Take a look at their goldenrod study in NYC. It is the tallest goldenrod I have ever seen!

Kathy from Kathy's Cluttered Mind shares her entry: Arachnid Nature Club Hike. Don't miss her free printable notebook page. 

Cristy from Crafty Cristy has written up their Insects in Our Yard entry and you are going to really be thrilled to see all her amazing butterfly images. She has a great idea for stepping stones too...don't miss it!

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana shares a wonderful entry with the carnival: Nature Study - Soccer Mom Style. This is a wonderful example to all of us to make nature study fit in where we can and see the value of it. Thank you for sharing this Carla.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don't forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in November are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 11/29/13 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

1 comment:

  1. What a line-up! I can't wait to visit all the links. I really love the leaf art.
