
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ebooks That Can Better Your Life - Ultimate Healthy Living Library

As the last day of the Ultimate Healthy Living Library sale comes to an end, I wanted to post a reminder for those that have been waiting before purchasing. This reminder is in case you weren't sure about the value of this bundle...I am here to tell you that it is an awesome opportunity to have gathered for you into one neat bundle so many resources it makes your head spin.

I was overwhelmed when I received access to all the ebooks in this bundle. My husband and I spend one Saturday morning opening each one up and seeing what was there. I was surprised at how many ebooks he loved (especially the cookbooks)!

So in case you are wondering, here are some of my absolute favorites from the bundle. These are all included in the bundle price and you will be able to download them for your own electronic library to have on hand and to use in the future. I am only featuring my absolute favorites so remember there are 86 ebooks in this bundle.

If you have any questions about this bundle, check the frequently asked questions page for answers. Also take a look at the fine print page for further information that is vital to know before purchasing.

Just so you know: There is now a pay with Paypal option if you prefer to use that method of payment. 

"Small changes added together over time are what lead to major overall lifestyle change!" Emily McClements
This is something we are working on in our family and this ebook has so many practical ideas! Value $8.99

I actually purchased this one a year or so ago and it was a wonderful introduction to living a simpler life with steps all outlined for me. I highly recommend this one by Tsh Oxenrider. Value $5.00

Emergency Preparedness by Toni Hammersly is an awesome resource that my husband was excited about receiving. We have been slowly working on our emergency plans and this ebook with printables is going togreatly help our endeavor. Value $10.00

Both of us loved this ebook! There are so many different ideas all gathered into one easy to read cookbook that we don't even know where to start. I suggested we try one a week until we have a bunch in our recipe box. Value $4.99
As many of you know, I have been working on getting fit and losing weight since February 2013. I have lost over 50 pounds and feel so much better. I love this ebook that shares practical ideas, journals, recipes, and so much encouragement. If you are thinking about making this a goal in your life, this ebook will get you started. Value $4.99

I am super duper excited about this ebook included in this library! I realized that many of my trusted blogger friends are involved in creating this ebook/handbook. This is definitely something I am looking into for my health and for my family. This covers the basics and beyond. Value $9.99

What can I say? It's by Sarah Mae and it will touch your heart. We are living in a very "wired" world and her voice is such a breath of fresh air. I can't agree more with her "get off your devices and spend time with those that really matter" advice. You will not be disappointed. Value $4.99

So if that is not enough to convince you of the value of this Ultimate Healthy Living Library, here are a few more reasons from the bonus section...included in the $29.97 price tag.

Maybe you need some help planning meals with your busy active lifestyle. Or perhaps you love some natural soaps, lotions, or herbs. There is definitely a huge value and something for everyone included in these bonus offers (or maybe to give as gifts)!

So today is the last day of this incredible event...take advantage of the offer. If it is something you think you have some friends that would enjoy, you can gift this bundle of ebooks and offers when you checkout!

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