
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Great Backyard Bird Count 2013 - Get Ready!

What? The Great Backyard Bird Count
When? February 15-18, 2013
Who? Anyone around the world...for the first time ever!
How? Count birds in your yard and at your feeders. Report the data to the Great Backyard Bird Count

Need so more information?
Great Backyard Bird Count

Video: Great Backyard Bird Count

Images of the Top Ten Birds from last years count!

Get prepared with printable checklists for you zip code or town name.

Join the photo contest! 

Our family is getting ready for the big count this weekend. The weather is going to be warm and sunny so we will be able to get out and count those birds! I invite you to join us either formally or informally....How about some tweets with the hashtag #GBBC? How about some Instagram images with #GBBC?

Get out those Bird Grids from the February Newsletter and get started looking for birds with your family. 


  1. We have our feeders filled and the count papers sitting on the window sill waiting. It's always so interesting to see the differences from year to year!

  2. We are anxious too...filled the feeders this morning but I am going to make sure they stay full all weekend. I also filled the birdbath with fresh (unfrozen) water. :)

    This is always a fun time for our family.
