
Monday, January 25, 2010

New Feature On The Handbook of Nature Study: Archive Monday

1 24 10 rock arch Red Shack
Scene from our hike yesterday

The past few weeks have introduced my blog to many, many new readers. I wanted to give a big welcome to those that have joined us. Everyone is welcome to read and comment and please feel free to click the links on my right sidebar.

I decided that every Monday I am going to post an Archive Monday post that will feature a blog post from my archives.

I know that many of you do not have time to read all that I have in my archives so this will give you a little glimpse into what we all have discussed in the past.

1 24 10 Red Shack moss and lichen
I have received a lot of email asking me where to start with nature study. Honestly, my very best answer is to start in your own backyard just a few minutes a week. Keep it simple at first and then as you gain confidence you can venture out a little further.

So here is this week's archive post which is meant to encourage everyone to get started right in their own backyard.
Nature Study in Ripples from May 2009

I hope you enjoy this post and that it encourages you to get started this week no matter the weather or other circumstances. Nature study will refresh you and bring some balance to your busy life.

Don't forget the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival submission deadline coming up on Friday, January 29th. Everyone who has participated in the OH Challenges this month is welcome to enter as many blog posts as you would like sharing your January nature study. Please submit your blog entries HERE. You need to scroll down the page a bit and click the link "submit an article".

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea! I am looking forward to reading your archives.
