
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter Series #3 - Winter Sky

Winter Sky -Sunset 2

We have had nothing but cloudy, rainy, snowy weather since this challenge was posted. There has been no opportunity for much stargazing or moon watching. But, my son noticed this beautiful sunset a few weeks ago and we both had a grand time taking photos of the ever changing light and color.

He took just as many photos as I did I am sure of it. We both remarked that you really need to be watchful for opportunities like this one because they don't happen every day.

Winter Sky -Sunset

What a wonderful way to marvel at the gifts we have in the every day if we are open to seeing them.

Moon 1 10
Here is a moon shot we have from a few days ago at sunset. We have some clear weather in the forecast so we hope to get out past sunset and work on our constellations.

We are prepared.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom


  1. Beautiful shots! Thanks for the reminder to appreciate what is right in front of you, even if you haven't reached your destination. No opportunities to observe night skies here, either, but I'm looking forward to it. In the meantime, think I'll go take some pics of the sunrise. :)

  2. Beautiful!!! We had an incredible sunset the other night, and I wish I would have taken the time to photograph it.

    It's totally overcast here, but I heard the mooon is supposed to look its biggest tonight. Maybe you'll be able to see it?

  3. Hi Dana,

    Cloudy and supposed to rain tonight....sigh.


  4. Your reminder to enjoy the sky initially had me thinking that it was too cold outside to try to enjoy the stars! Then, I read about the full moon for January, and remembered your reminder. We went out last night (cloudy for us too) and viewed the moon. We had such a good time, and the moon was really spectacular. I blogged about here: Thanks again Barb for your unending source of inspiration!
