
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Our Oregon Coast Wildflower and Weed Grid

This is the Oregon Coast Edition of the Wildflower and Weed Grid Study! I had a fun-filled week of hiking and beach-combing in Oregon and we had our eyes out for as many wildflowers as we could possible find. It wasn't hard because each trail had an abundance of wildflowers for us to enjoy.

I tried to capture as man of them as I could to share with you in this post.

 Blue Oregon Iris - These are a frequent flower along the trail.

Sea pinks along the shore...blowing in the wind, casting cool shadows.

Our campsite was filled with clover and daisies. Imagine...daisies so plentiful they seem like weeds!

Cow parsnip lines the roads and pops up along the shore. Some of these plants are super tall and the flower heads are enormous.

Inside Out Flower was found in the shady spots and it is one of my favorites from this trip. I decided to include a special page in my nature journal for it (see below).

We found patches of lupine along the Humbug Mountain Trail. This trail was a new one for us and what a view! It was a lot of fun to adventure up and we look forward to taking this trail again.

The Monkey flower was amazing! There were areas along the moist gully that just screamed yellow from this pretty flower.

A familiar sight along any redwood forest trail this time of year is the rhododendron....this one was a pale pink. This was spotted along the Shrader Old Growth Trail. This is a fun hike out of Gold Beach and worth the long dusty dirt road to get there. We had the trail all to ourselves on this morning. There is nothing like being out in the wilderness hiking along hearing the birds and nothing else.

One day we visited Crissey Field State Park which has an awesome visitor's center and several trails. The beach there is wide and open which invites you to walk a long way next to the shore. This Sea Verbena was growing along the sandy dunes. My boys were entranced by all the driftwood and they spent about an hour just hunting among the piles for interesting shapes. Boys.

These are pretty little Seaside daisies....another one I really like and will be adding to my nature journal. I think the delicate fringe-like petals are the best part of this flower.

Smith's Fairybells...another shade loving plant we saw a lot of as we hiked.

It always makes me happy to see where flowers naturally grow to make pretty color combinations. These sweet peas and daisies were found right along the edge of the bank in our campground.

Seaside Tansy...the interesting part of this plant are the fern-like leaves. They also grow right along the dry cliffside going down to the beaches.

This Tiger Lily was actually in Del Norte County, California. The drive up Hwy 101 takes you through Redwoods National Park where the Tiger Lilies are blooming profusely along the road. I had to stop and capture one for you! Gorgeous!

We found Wild Bleeding Hearts too! We have these planted in our garden here at home but it was fun to see them growing in their natural environment.

Aren't these lovely? Western Azaleas grow in Harris Beach State Park and we always look forward to seeing their happy blossoms.

We saw many Wild Cucumbers blooming but this one had its fruit already formed. Isn't it interesting? It is in the gourd family and you can see why when you see the fruits.

Here are the flowers from the Wild Cucumber.

I know this is a non-native invasive plant but we saw it on many of the trails. Wild Radish comes in a variety of colors...white, soft pink, light lavender.

This is my first unidentified wildflower...if anyone knows what it is you can leave me a comment.
EDIT: I think this is Yellow Parentucellia...figwort family. Range: Western Washington to NW California. 

This is my second unidentified wildflower...yellow ones stump me for some reason.

This we saw in a pond at Lagoon Creek which is technically in California. Yellow Pond Lilies were blooming all over the pond.

So there you have all the interesting images that I could pull from my camera. We did see quite a few more and if you look closely at my Wildflower Grid nature journal page you will see them listed.


  1. Hi! :) I love your work!

    The first unknown flower may be toadflax (Linaria vulgaris). The second one looks like smooth hawksbeard (Crepis capillaris).


  2. Hi! :) I love your blog!

    The first unknown flower may be toadflax (Linaria vulgaris). The second one looks like smooth hawksbeard (Crepis capillaris).


  3. Thanks for the direction on the unknown flowers....will have to update my entry and notebook. :)

  4. LOVE these photos. What a beautiful trip! My favorites are the the lilies...actually I love them all. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Cheryl-I think my favorites are the Tiger Lilies but it is hard to pick just one. The Oregon Coast at this time of year is glorious. We are already looking forward to going again next year. :)

  6. Wildflower Studies on the Oregon Coast - it's amost like cheating eh? I'd like to do a study of all of the flowers I see on the beach. The boys and I have been picking and photographing flowers - but need to blog about it. One more day of Theater Camp, and then some blogging time - FISH is first on the list!

  7. I think the first unknown flower is an evening primrose.

  8. We think the first unknown flower is an evening primrose.
