
Monday, December 30, 2013

Nature Study Goals - 2014

Nature Goals 2014

1. Visit two new national parks - My husband and I are anxious to travel to at least two new parks this year as part of my nature study goals. I have a few in mind so we share see how that works out: Great Basin National Park, Pinnacles National Park, Zion National Park, Olympia National Park. We are not sure which direction we will be heading for our annual big camping trip...east, southwest, or northwest.

2. Three new birds - Identify and journal three new birds. I am determined to make a goal I can keep this year.

3. Rock challenge from 2013 - Continue working through the list of rocks from 2013, hopefully completing at least three new rocks.

4. Take three new hikes - at least one new local hike and two additional hikes

5. Visit a new nature center.

6. Monthly nature photo challenge - I am going to take a nature photo a week. (I will be sharing my printable list of topics soon.) I am then going to choose one photo from each month for a 2015 family calendar.

7. Camping in all four seasons - This is a new goal that my husband and I are going to attempt to start in Spring 2014 and finishing up in at the end of the year. We have never camped during the winter season before so we have been reading up on all the how-to's.

As I related in my Nature Study Goal 2013 recap from last week, I am learning to set goals but also grab opportunities that come up during the year. Following interest is a major part of my keeping nature study fresh and new as we encounter things along the way. I hope that you can set even just one nature study related goal for 2014. If you would like to share, leave me a comment with a link or just share your thoughts if you feel motivated. 


  1. I love this! You've inspied me to set some nature goals with my girls. We have wonderful state parks near us that we've never visited; I think we need to make a list... :)

  2. Lisa- I can't wait to hear about your visits to your state parks. :)

  3. Hi Barb,

    I started a list of goals last night. Not necessarily a nature study goal list, but stuff to get me outside (not yet complete):
    Visit a new-to-me state park.
    Hike at least 25 miles of Tunxis Trail.
    Go camping (we have a summer camp in Maine with a cottage, but no running water or electricity, but my son really wants to get out the tent and go someplace new).
    Visit a waterfall somewhere in the state.
    Go snowshoeing.
    Go cross country skiing.
    Go kayaking someplace new.
    Hike on the Appalachian Trail (there is a small section that runs through our state - for some reason I am intimidated by just doing a little day hike on it)
    Watch a meteor shower.
    Hike Mt. Monadnock.

    This past April, my family took a trip to Zion and Bryce. We could have used a few more days, but still very doable (we flew into Vegas on a Sunday and out the following Saturday, so not even a full week). We had a fabulous time. I had forgotten how beautiful Zion was. If you want to check out what we did you can read about our adventures at my blog (look in archives in April and May 2013).

    Thanks for your inspiration!

  4. Sarah! Love your list and it sounds fabulous! I will hop over and read about your trip too...thanks for the link.

  5. Go visit Olympic National Park! I grew up in Forks, on the Olympic Peninsula, & it is truly a charmed place...the ocean, mountains, rain forest, beautiful won't regret it!

  6. I printed your list off and am using it for a spring board for my Outdoor List! I find it much more fun planning my resolutions about the outdoors than homeschooling:)

  7. Barb, I love your list. I'll have to think on some goals. I am so encouraged by your posts and it keeps me working our on our nature study.

  8. Heather- that is a great idea because I always find it easier to start with a list and adapt to our interests. I hope you come up with some things for your list.

  9. Debbie- so glad my posts help keep your fires burning as far as nature privileged to be a part of a great community here on HNS.
