
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival - December Edition

OHC Blog Carnival
Well, another year has passed and we sit on the brink of a new year. What nature study memories have you created with your family? Our family had a great year of outdoor adventures both together and as individuals. I started off my year in Florida and ended it with a trip to Oregon last week. It doesn't get much better than that. 

I appreciate all the entries to the carnival this month...such diverse and interesting posts to enjoy. I look forward to another year with all my nature-loving families. 

I also wanted to thank all the contributors to the Handbook of Nature Study Newsletters this year. Our community has grown into such a wonderful group of families. I feel very blessed.

Our family’s entries from this month's study (in case you missed one):
Using Our Senses Nature Walk
December Extraordinary Things

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors! 

December Extraordinary in the Ordinary
Alex from Life on a Canadian Island submits their Snowy Trail entry sharing their awesome wintery world. Thanks Alex!

Taunya from Taunya's Place shares their Nature Study-December Walk entry with the carnival. What a treat to glimpse her Oregon December World. I love the last image in this post...don't miss it. 

Tolowa Dunes State Park- December 2013
December World
Umm Safiya has submitted their A Walk in Winter Wonderland entry for you to enjoy! It looks like a cold, cold day but they share all the fun things they did in their December World.

Carol from Journey and Destination share their Australian December World in the entry A Walk on the Wild Side. Don't miss the dragons and the echidna! I loved glimpsing their warm December nature walk.

Annie from Annie's Place would love for you to read their December World entry.  I really loved seeing "God's artwork". Don't miss seeing her images.

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie shares their Winter Wonders entry with the carnival. They made a list of Winter Wish List and share how many things they were able to accomplish.

Kristen from Broom and Crown joins this edition of the carnival with their post, Neighborhood Nature Walks. Their family enjoyed a walk in their neighborhood. 

Michelle from Following Footprints has submitted their Nature Exploration in December entry for you to enjoy. They completed many of the December Newsletter Grid Study items.

Harris Beach, Oregon Coast December 2013
Winter Nature Table
Umm Safiya shares their Winter Scene Nature Table images and entry with the carnival this month. She shares a few simple ideas that her family loves.

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares her Window Nature Study - December entry with the carnival. This is month four of her year long study.

Eva Varga shares their family's continuing fungi study with Nature Study: Fly Agaric Fungi. She shares some interesting thoughts about how nature study can lead us in so many directions. Check out their nature journal entries too. 

Alicia from Homeschooling in the Redwoods has written up and submitted a wonderful post, National Parks. She shares Crater Lake and Lassen National Parks.

OHC Blog Carnival

 Don't forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in January are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 1/30/14 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

Join us for the 2013-2013 Outdoor Hour Challenges.
Nature Study Bundle Button

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