
Friday, December 13, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge - December Senses Walk

Outdoor Hour Challenge
Using Your Senses - December Walk

There have been several challenges here on the blog during different seasons that feature using your senses or being quiet during a nature walk. Prepare your children ahead of time by explaining that spending some of your Outdoor Hour Challenge time should be time spent quietly observing. Use the ideas in the links below and the Listening Game in the additional activities below to incorporate some "using your senses" time into your OHC this week. Don't be discouraged if your children can only manage a minute or two of is something they can grow into when they learn the advantages of careful observation.
Don't forget you can use this month's Study Grid from the newsletter as part of this challenge.
Additional Activity:
Outdoor Listening Game
Go outside with your children and let each one find a place to sit quietly, choosing a comfortable spot where there are few distractions. Show them how to make cups with their hands and then hold them behind their ears like big deer or rabbit ears. Sit with your “deer” ears on and discover the sounds of your neighborhood or a near-by park.

This is a great training activity for sitting and listening quietly during your nature adventures. 

I am looking forward to getting out with my snowshoes and really using my senses.
Getting Started Suggestion:
If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #10. Try having a snack or picnic lunch even if it is super cold outside. Our family even found driving to a favorite spot, parking with a view to something natural, and eating in the car is a fantastic way to make a memory. Keep it simple and then come home and record your experience on the accompanying notebook page in the ebook. 
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OHC Blog Carnival
You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 12/30/13.

Nature Study Bundle Button

1 comment:

  1. Just a heads up, I received a message about a Christmas sale on the second collection of Yesterday's Classics ebooks for $49. I paid $149 for the first set before they'd begun offering it for $99 regularly...still worth it.

    I was thrilled to see this second set has Handbook of Nature Study, split into separate volumes! I asked Lisa (owner?) if it includes navigable links in each at beginning by haven't received reply just yet. She also recommended considering annual membership to her site Gateway to the Classics in lieu of purchasing the downloads.

