
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Snowman Birdfeeder-Huge Success!

Happy birds! We had large numbers of birds visit our yard during our snow days earlier this week. We had feeders filled with seeds and suet for them to enjoy. This time we had a special treat for them....a snowman birdfeeder!

We created a small snowman on our deck and made eyes out of sunflower seeds and then filled the top of his head with a handful of sunflower seeds. I saw this idea on Pinterest and have been itching to try it. It took a little while for the birds to find the seeds but once they did it didn't last for long.

They ate the eyes and all!

The second day I refilled the spot on the snowman's head and they came back again.

It was a simple and fun way to observe birds from our window. The birds didn't care if our snowman wasn't all that pretty.

I highly recommend trying this if you have snow in your yard. Snap a few photos and send one to me!

Join us for our Winter Wednesday series of posts coming in January 2014.
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