
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Year-Long Milkweed Study - Complete!

Our last trip to Yosemite completed our four seasons visits and our year-long milkweed study. I was able to find some winter milkweed and capture a few images to share here on the blog.

winter milkweed yosemite

winter milkweed yosemite

winter milkweed yosemite

If you are interested in seeing our Yosemite milkweed in the other seasons, click the links below.

If you would like to complete your own year-long milkweed study, you can see the original challenge with a free printable notebook page:
Seasonal Milkweed Study

 Nature Study Bundle Button


  1. Congratulations! I have saved your free printable milkweed study...because I love milkweed...but in all our outdoor hiking, I have found only two spots where it grows. One spot is a neighboring field which was plowed up before I could get to it last spring...and the other is on a nearby highway median, which is a bit too dangerous for observation! So thank you for the link to the milkweed seeds. I am going to order some. :)

  2. Lisa-
    We have planted milkweed twice and both times it ended in disaster. I ended up hunting up a good spot where I knew we could observe. Don't give is an awesome study.

  3. I was talking to a neighbor about milkweed. He's an old-timey Carolina farmer. He looked at me like I was crazy. "We call them weeds. They grow everywhere. We just burn them all down."

    No wonder we don't see many monarchs here!

  4. Milkweed is such a precious asset and it really is just a matter of education on its importance. Besides, it is pretty!
