
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Nature Photo of The Week - January Recap

The month of January has been unusually warm and dry, record-breaking in fact. Since I can't do anything about the weather, I decided early on to just relax and enjoy each and every warm day that comes our way. This meant more than the usual amount of hiking and trail walking with my family and our beloved Kona dog.

Looking back at my nature study goals for 2014, I realized I have not accomplished much so far except for faithfully sharing my Nature Photo of the Week on Pinterest.  I am enjoying the process of remembering to capture at least one image each week. The Pinterest board is filling up with the participant's images, each one a treasure that makes me see glimpses of nature from other parts of the world.

Here are my images if you are not following the Nature Photo of the Week Pinterest Board.

Creek or Stream - January 2014

Wood- Taylor Creek beaver activity January 2014

Sign - One of my favorite signs at Tallac (Lake Tahoe)

Clouds - January 2014 warm and sunshine just about every day, no rain

Peaceful - January 1, 2014

Little things - Sequoia cones are small!

You are welcome to join our Nature Photo of the Week activity. The list of topics can be found here: Nature Photo of the Week. The Pinterest board is found here: Nature Photo of the Week.  

I will be featuring some of the board's images in my monthly newsletter. Look for them there too!

Nature Study Bundle Button

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