
Friday, January 31, 2014

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival - January 2014 Edition

OHC Blog Carnival

Are you ready for the first Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival of 2014? This edition has entries from some new faces and some from our faithful participants from around the world. Please click over and read your favorites...enjoy!

Our family’s January entries (in case you missed one):
Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!
Photo Credit: Michelle Rudell

Grid Study and Seasonal Study - Winter
Shirley Ann from Under An English Sky has submitted their OHC Seasonal Reminders post for you to enjoy. I love the greenness and the colors in her entry. As always, a treat to glimpse her part of the world.

Michelle from Following Footprints shares their entry Outdoor Hour Challenge - Winter Fun with this edition of the  carnival.What a fun entry! She shares some of the grid activities and some awesome images.

Barbara from Schoolhouse on the Prairie would like you to read their Winter Wish List Continued. They are also sharing their 2014 nature study goals. Love it!

Photo Credit: Lisa Uotinen

Winter Color
Angie from Petra School would love for you to see their Winter Color Walk from the Oregon Coast. She and her boys always give us a great entry and example to enjoy.  (Wish they could send some wintery weather our way!)

Lisa from Pilgrims at Tinker Creek shares their Nature Hike entry with carnival readers. Her images of the woods and what they found are incredible. Don't miss seeing this entry.
Photo credit: Kerry Kordish
Winter Snow Study
Kerry from Keeping Up With The Kordish's has submitted their Winter Snow Study entry for you to enjoy. They did a great job!

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island shares their Window Nature Study - Winter - January entry with the carnival. Take a look at their wintery world!

Annie from Annie's Place would love for you to view their January Outdoor Hour Challenge - Snow Study. They are using some ideas for their nature table too.

Diane from Homeschool Review shares their As Clean as Snow New Fallen Snow. They found some interesting results. I encourage you to give this a try with your snow. 

Shirley Ann from Under an English Sky completed the alternative Winter Scavenger Hunt as part of this challenge. They did an excellent job finding things on the list. Don't miss her list of book recommendations at the end of the entry.
Photo credit: Kerry Kordish
Kerry from Keeping Up With The Kordish's has gone like a whirlwind through the Getting Started Challenges. I invite you to see what they have been up to this month. OHC #1OHC #2, OHC #3 - love the journal page, OHC #4, OHC #5, OHC #6, OHC #7, OHC #8, OHC #9, and OHC #10.

Carol from Journey and Destination shares their interesting entry, Nature Study in January. Since they live in the Southern Hemisphere, they are studying a couple of interesting insects and spiders. Enjoy!

Photo credit: Carla Gull

Carla from Inside Outside Michiana has submitted her awesome entry, Homemade Bird Guide. Take a look at how they have created a personalized guide using resources they had on hand. She also has shared her entry Going a Little Stir Crazy- Inside Winter Fun with this edition of the carnival. Check out her list of easy to do indoor nature-related activities.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don't forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in February are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 2/26/14 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

Nature Study Bundle Button

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I wanted to drop you a quick note to express my thanks. I've been following your blog for a month or so and have picked up a ton of good information as well as enjoyed the way you've structured your site. I am attempting to run my own blog but I think its too general and I want to focus more on smaller topics. Being all things to all people is not all that its cracked up to be.

    Study in Sunderland University
