
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Handbook of Nature Study - February 2014 Newsletter

Handbook of Nature Study Newsetter Feb 2014 button

February 2014 - Citizen Science

This is a topic that you are going to love reading about in this edition of the newsletter. I am a huge fan of getting children involved in science at a young age and making it fun and relevant. Participating in one of the many, many projects available to families will bring science to your home in a way that builds skills your children will carry into their future.

Contents of this edition of the newsletter include: 
  • Four new articles sharing citizen science projects you can participate in. Three additional articles reprinted from past newsletters on citizen science.
  • Encouraging article from a nature mom/soccer mom
  • February Study Grid and printable
  • Bird Study Grid - reprint
  • My Birdfeeder Journal - printable notebook page 
  • Additional nature journal idea
  • Nature Photo of the Week favorites from January
  • Recommended study links 
I have attached the newsletter download link to the bottom of my blog feed so if you are a subscriber you will receive the link to the latest newsletter at the bottom of every post for the month of February. If you haven't subscribed yet, you can still subscribe and receive the newsletter link in the next post that comes to your email box. You can subscribe to my blog by filling in your email address in the subscription box on my sidebar.

Note: You can download your newsletter from the link in two ways:

  • If your link is clickable, right click the link and then "save link as" to save the file on your computer.
  • If the link is not clickable, cut and paste the link to your browser, open, and then save your newsletter to your computer. 
  • Nature Study Bundle Button

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