
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival - February 2014

OHC Blog Carnival

I want to thank all the participants this month for sharing your February nature study entries with the carnival. I so enjoy reading your entries and sharing all the wonderful insights your family's have along the way. You inspire me...really!

Our family’s February entries from this month's study (in case you missed one):

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Image credit: Lisa from Pilgrims at Tinker Creek
Tree Silhouettes
Lisa from Pilgrims at Tinker Creek shares their Winter Trees entry with carnival readers. They did an amazing job on their maple tree study. Don't miss the journals!

Kerry from Keeping Up With The Kordishs has submitted their Tree Silhouette entry for you to enjoy. They have picked a plum tree to watch throughout the seasons. Excellent!

Angie from Petra School shows us their Winter Tree Silhouettes in the Pacific Northwest. I especially like the images where the trees are reflected in the lake water. Take a look!

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie has put together their Updates and Trees entry for this edition of the carnival. Take a look at all their lovely tree silhouettes!

Janet from Pursing Joy in the Journey joins the carnival this month with her entry Winter Tree Study. They completed a winter tree observation and drew the silhouettes on their notebooking page.

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island submits their Window Nature Study - February entry for you to view. She shares their view and a wonderful tree the lighting in this image.
Image Credit: Cristy from Cristy's Nature Journal
Winter Cone Study
Cristy from Cristy's Nature Journal would love for you to click over and read all about their Pine Tree, Pine Cone, and Winter Tree Study. She was encouraged to get outdoors with her children and take a walk in the woods to find some pines to study. They followed up with a pine cone study.
Image credit: Kerry at Keeping Up With The Kordishs
Winter Weeds
Kerry from Keeping Up With The Kordishs has put together a full and enjoyable entry of their Nature Study in February. Take a look at their winter weeds and more.

Angie from Petra School submits their entry, Winter Weeds and Seeds , for you to read and enjoy.  She has a new camera and has taken some wonderful images as part of this entry.

Studying Moss and Lichen
Image Credit: Jennifer at Royal Little Lambs
Jennifer at Royal Little Lambs has submitted their Bird Study entry for you to enjoy. Their family has been busy studying birds and they would love for you to see their images, journals, and a birdfeeder. Jennifer also shares their Winter Nature Hike.

Alex from Life on a Canadian Island would love for you to pop over and see their Great Backyard Bird Count 2014 results.

Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie shares their Winter Wish List Continued entry with the carnival. She has some wonderful images of their table top garden. Be inspired.

Eva Varga shares an exciting story of life and death in their entry, Our Local Bald Eagles. Pop over to read all about the on-going story of an eagle.

Colleen from Sola Gratia Mom shares their The Physics of a Snow Day entry with the carnival for this edition.  Also, she has written, Nature, Creating an Eye to See Him.

Janet from Pursing Joy in the Journey would love for you to read their entries, Constellations! and Big Garden Birdwatch. They look like they enjoyed both activities.

OHC Blog Carnival
Don't forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in March are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 3/30/14 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

Nature Study Bundle Button

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