
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nature Study Weekly Photo Recap February

February has been a strange month...weird weather, very few birds to count for the Great Backyard Bird Count, and hardly any special nature study events in our home. Just a February that I am glad is melting into March. We are hoping to take a few hikes to stir up some nature interest...hoping you all are enjoying the Nature Photo of the Week Pinterest Board.

Here are my February entries. Look for more images in the up-coming newsletter.
Hidden- Acorns in a fallen tree alongside our walking trail. The Acorn Woodpeckers were busy storing acorns!
Stone: Rock cairns at the river...we had a big hike to the river and found these on the rocks at the beach.

Found: We had a bunch of ladybugs in our front yard one afternoon. I love the contrast of the red ladybug and the gray-green of the lavender.

Details- This is a Bordered Plant Bug climbing on my grape hyacinth. His details make him easy to identify.

 Nature Study Bundle Button


  1. That first picture just grabbed me. How interesting. I actually looked up acorn woodpeckers because I thought you might be pulling my leg, but how else would all those acorns get there!

    Love the ladybug photo, too.


  2. Great bug photos! I'm inclined now to believe the insects I had previously thought were Western Boxelder (Boisea rubrolineata) are in fact Bordered Plant (Largus succinctus) ... they resemble each other so closely!

  3. Fabulous captures! I was really taken with the acorn woodpeckers treasure trove!
