
Monday, February 24, 2014

Winter Weed Gallery - Our Weed Study

When you spend a lot of time outdoors during the winter months, you are bound to notice the various shapes and sizes of winter weeds. Maybe it the lack of other nature study subjects or the more subdued color palette of the winter landscape, but weeds are hard to miss.

These particular images were taken at Yosemite National Park during our last visit in January. The stalks are still standing tall and the fruits are still visible on many of the plants. I am pretty sure this is Common Cowparsnip.

What a lovely pattern found in the winter Cow Parsnip.

This set of images comes from our hike at Lake Tahoe last month. The winter weeds are clearly seen emerging from the snowy landscape.

This is a different plant and had far more seeds left attached to the stalks.

Rather pretty isn't it? Focusing on winter weeds is one way to see the beauty even in the winter scene. I hope this encourages your own winter weed that you can fit in while taking a short walk.

Have you looked for some winter weeds to study?

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